Sunday, September 15, 2024

Camping in Yankton

 A couple months ago, we decided to reserve a camping weekend in September. When we made our reservations, we had no idea there would be a volleyball team, when the soccer games would be, or that this weekend in September would be 87 degrees all weekend. We were planning for a nice fall weekend, with beef stew and sweatshirt weather, and that's not at all what we got. We also missed a volleyball tournament in Watertown for Emma, and a soccer game for Elliott. But, both kids were ok with missing those things, and were super excited to camp. 

On Friday, we got packed up and headed out as soon as we were home from school and work. By the time we made it to the campground, it was around 6:00pm. We got unpacked, and settled, and then ate a nice supper. Jim, Barb, and Katie also camped with us. Jim was nice enough to pull our camper down to the campground and get it set up for us. After supper, we all went on a short bike ride, and then we got a fire going and enjoyed a beautiful evening around a fire. We had some s'mores and then the kids headed in to watch a movie, and we had some adult time around the fire. 

On Saturday, we woke up to a beautiful morning. It was around 65, sunny, and just beautiful. We made some breakfast sandwiches and then we headed to Mazing Acres, which is a pumpkin patch about 5 minutes away from the campground. I got tickets a week ago when they were 50% off and we all enjoyed a nice morning at the pumpkin patch. The kids had an absolute blast. They went on the tube slide, obstacle course, corn crib, apple cannon, paint gun, corn maze, and many other activities. It was a hot day, but we were all having a good time. I was really impressed with all the activities, and it wasn't super busy there, which was also really nice. They also sold some beautiful mums and just had a really nice vibe. 

After a solid 3 hours, we headed back to the campsite and ate some lunch. The kids were hot and tired, so they headed into the AC to chill for a while, and Katie, John, and I headed to Yankton to Ben's Brew Station to have a couple craft beers. It was really nice, and those beers tasted really good after the hot, busy morning. 

After an hour or so, we got back to the campsite. Jim and Barb rented E-bikes for the weekend, and everyone had a really good time trying them out. John, Katie, and I rode bikes to Pearson Ranch to meet the kids and Jim and Barb for some pickle ball. We played a couple rounds of pickle ball, and then headed back to make supper. We had some burgers, watched the Jackrabbit Football game (they beat Augie) and then we all called it a night around 10:00pm. We were all pretty tired from the busy, hot day. 

Today, was also busy and tiring. We started the day with some pancakes, sausage, eggs, and toast. Then, John, Katie and I went hiking at Gavin's Point. After our hike, we painted some pumpkins with the kids. Then it was time for a light lunch, and to pack up and head to the farm. 

At Jim and Barb's house we unpacked the camper, helped with some bunny chores and let the kids hold their bunnies and chickens, and then we finally headed for home. Now, we are catching up on laundry, getting ready for another week, and watching Modern Family. 

This next week is going to be even more insane. John leaves for Boston on Tuesday, and I leave for Boston on Thursday, and we have all the practices and meets and such. We have to get kids packed up and to their grandparent's, and I have to get myself packed up. It's going to be crazy. But, I am super excited to travel to Boston and explore the city. 

We are officially done camping for the year. We had a pretty quiet camping season this year, but when we did go, we had a great time and had fun. We plan to camp more next summer, but until then, I'm ready for a break. Here's to another busy week!

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