Sunday, September 15, 2024

Fall Activities

 We are now in the full swing of things for fall sports and practices. We have cross country practices and meets, Volleyball practices and games, and soccer practices and games. So, needless to say, some of our weeks get a little crazy. On Mondays, both kids have cross country practice until 4:00pm, and then Emma has volleyball practice from 6-8pm. So those nights are pretty busy. 

On Tuesdays, Elliott has soccer from 6-7:30 pm. And Wednesdays are the cross country meets at 4:30pm. And then the rest of the week is filled with homework, late shifts at work, and meetings. We know how to stay busy. 

Last weekend, Emma had her first volleyball game at Bethel. My parents decided to come to town to see the volleyball game, and then Elliott's soccer game on Sunday. My parents came straight to Bethel since the Volleyball game started at 10:00 am. They arrived right as the game was starting. The Bethel/Good Shepherd Volleyball team did really well for their first match. They had a lot of learning to do, and it wasn't always pretty, but they did a great job. I was super proud of Emma during the games. She was the best server of the day, and I was so proud to just watch her improve every game. She seemed to really be enjoying herself, so that was great as well. Her volleyball team sure knows how to have fun. 

After the game, we all headed home, and got mom and dad settled in. We ate a light lunch, spent some time outside visiting, and then decided to go and do something outdoors since it was such a beautiful day. We decided to go to Pallisades State Park. We did quite a bit of hiking, let the kids climb the rocks, and just soaked in the beautiful day. After all the hiking, we came across a winery called Humble Hill winery. We had never been there before, so we decided to check it out. It was very mediocre, but it was a fun environment, and we were all glad we at least checked it out. 

After the winery, we were all pretty hungry. So, we headed back into Sioux Falls, and ate supper at BBs. We sat on the patio, and enjoyed a nice supper and some beers. The kids even finished with some ice cream. 

On Sunday, we went to church, Sunday School, and then had a nice brunch at home. In the afternoon, we had the Bethel Bike Ride, and mom and dad weren't too interested in that, so we went to the bike ride and mom and dad went antique shopping. The bike ride was pretty fun. We biked from Bethel to Family Park, which was about 6 miles all together. It was another gorgeous day (a little hot) and we all had a great time. After the bike ride, we had some ice cream, and then rushed home to get Elliott to his soccer game. 

Elliott played pretty well in his first soccer game. He played goalie, and then defense. His team lost 4-5, but they played well and were pretty fun to watch. It was a nice afternoon to watch soccer and visit with mom and dad. After the game, mom and dad headed home, and we went home to catch up and get ready for another busy week. 

We had a great, busy weekend with mom and dad. It was filled with sports, good food and activities, and beautiful weather. I love this time of year. 

Cross Country- Emma ran a 8:27 mile 

Elliott ran a 10:38 mile

First volleyball game 

Pallisades Park (Photo by Emma) 

Supper at BBs

Campfire at home 

Elliott's first soccer game 

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