Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I love to read. I like to read the newspaper to keep up with what is going on in the world. However, I especially love to read for pleasure. There's nothing better than getting lost in a book on a lazy afternoon. If you do not currently read, I suggest you start. Reading stretches the imagination, keeps your mind sharp, and expands your vocabulary. Let's just say that reading gives your brain more of a workout than endless hours of watching television.

Since I love to read, I have favorite authors of course. First and foremost, I love James Patterson books. I have read 95% of his books (and he has written many books) and I own almost as many. His books are about crime and mystery, and they are very fast paced. They also have short chapters, so they are wonderful books to read for 15 minutes before going to bed. However, I typically get so swept away by James Patterson books that it only takes me a couple days to get them finished.I also really enjoy books by Nicholas Sparks. Nicholas Sparks books are books I like to read when I want to read something romantic or sappy. His books usually make me cry, so I have to be in a certain mood to truly enjoy his books. However, he is an excellent author.

When I feel like racking my brain cells, I like to read Dan Brown books. Brown is a great author, but his books can be difficult to follow and they require a lot of focus. These are not the type of books to read if you are wanting to relax and get lost in a fun, happy book. However, if you like complex books that really make you think, Dan Brown is the author for you. I am anxiously awaiting The Lost Symbol to come out in paperback to read Brown's latest work.

I have a couple other authors that I read from time to time. However the three listed above comprise most of my personal library. I am always looking for new authors and different types of books to get into as well. I don't know how I first got into reading, but both my mom and my sister read as well and we do a lot of swapping of books between the three of us. I like getting lost in a different world for a few hours and being able to imagine these characters and their world.

Anyway, here is my ranting on my hobby of reading and the authors that I enjoy. Like I said before, if you don't currently read, give it a shot. Whether it is a book, or the newspaper, or someone's blog, read something. Although, now thinking about it, if you are reading this blog you probably already understand the benefits of reading and giving that brain a workout. Thanks for reading, and please continue to do so!!!!

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