Sunday, October 31, 2010

Favorite TV Shows

So, I wouldn't say that I am a big TV watcher by any means, but I do have a handful of shows that I enjoy watching. The following are currently my favorite TV shows (in no particular order)

1. Bones. This show is very entertaining. It is about a forensic anthropologist and an FBI agent that team up to solve murders. I love the characters and the story line between them as well as the story line with the murder victims and finding out who committed the crime.

2. Dancing with the Stars. This one is a guilty pleasure of mine. I don't especially like reality TV, and this is the first season I have actually watched this show, and now I am addicted to it. It is entertaining to see celebrities trying to dance and then seeing the judges reactions. I don't actually vote for any couple, I just enjoy watching it and seeing what happens.

3. One Tree Hill. I have been watching this show since I was in high school and I own every season. It's one of those things where I have watched it for 7 years, that I can't help but continue. I love the characters in the show and I still find the show to be very entertaining.

4. The Office. I love the office. It is hilarious. I love the Jim-Dwight relationship and all the pranks they pull on Dwight. I think Michael is pretty annoying, but he can be funny at times. Overall, they have good storylines and I always laugh at some point during an episode.

5. Grey's Antomy. This show is probably my least favorite of this entire list. I have watched this show from the beginning as well, and I think the storyline has lost a lot since the beginning. However, I continue to watch because I have watched for the past 5 seasons and it is a show based on the medical profession, so I can relate to the show.

6. Burn Notice. This show is very entertaining. I love the characters and the story lines. The humor in this show is awesome. There is also a lot of action in this show. It is very unpredictable.

During the year, these are the shows I like to watch. I usually watch them online, since my work schedule is all over the place and I am not home a lot of evenings to watch. Everyone has favorite shows, and these are mine. So if you are looking for a TV show to watch, I would suggest any of the ones listed above. Just thought I would share. Thanks for reading!

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