Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I love summer! These last couple days have been about 93 degrees and very humid. Now, I don't need 90 degree weather to appreciate summer, but I don't mind a little heat either. I just think about the days during the winter when it was -35 and snow was blowing everywhere, and I learn to appreciate the hot and sticky.

The next couple days are supposed to be in the 70s, now that is more my type of summer weather. I love to read a book out on our deck basking in the sun. I also like to take late night summer walks with my husband. Basically, I like to be outside as much as possible during the summer. I sure wish it lasted longer is all.

I also really like grilling during the summer. I think we could grill every meal and I wouldn't get sick of it. We also have become people who love doing yard work. There is something about living in town that makes you care how your yard looks. I grew up on a farm where we had a ton of lawn to mow, and we were happy when the lawn dried up and we didn't have to mow that week. Here, if it doesn't rain, we water the lawn to make sure it looks as good as our neighbors.

We also have a garden that we fuss over. I pretty much weed, hoe, or water it every day and I get really excited when new plants sprout up. I am getting really excited to eat veggies out of our garden later this summer.

I am also in love with out patio this summer. I have never had a patio or deck before, and I love spending time out on both. So, to sum up I love summer, but it makes me sad to think about how fast it goes by. Guess I better enjoy everyday of it while it's here!
This is actually a picture of Hawaii from our honeymoon, but summer makes me think of Hawaii and I miss Hawaii, so here's a nice memory to share. :D

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