Monday, February 6, 2012

18 weeks!

I am 18 weeks pregnant and just had my third OB appointment today. The news is all good! Baby Nelson seems to be a healthy and happy baby right now. I haven't really posted a pic of my new rounder belly, so here is one I snapped with my phone. It's kinda blurry, so bear with me.

As you can see, I am getting bigger! Besides a backache the last couple days, I am feeling great. I think the only reason my back hurts, is because I was stuck at work for 20 hours on Saturday. Ouch. But the time and a half helped deal with the fact it was a long shift. On the weekends we have to work, we are on call all day for both days, so any surgeries that happen we have to stay and recover those patients. That's why Saturday and Sunday can turn into LONG days.

John and I are going to tour a daycare later today to try and take care of that before Baby Nelson comes. I also have been trying to refrain myself from buying every baby thing I see. I actually only have a couple of baby items as of right now.

The Vikings and Auntie clothing are from my sister, and I bought the baby book and the Twins pacifiers. I can't wait to register for gifts, I want everything!!

In other news, the Giants won the Super Bowl last night. I was pretty happy with their win. I only saw the second half because of work, but it was a pretty good game all around. John and I just watched it at home since I was on call for work. John made Chili and it was awesome.

Not much else is new in the Nelson Home. Enjoying the day off today and then back to work tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Ah! Baby Bump!!! LOVE IT. and Eeyore?! How can I ever forget your love of eeyore?? Oh how I miss you! Glad everything is going well :)
