Sunday, June 3, 2012

Weekend Update

This past weekend has been pretty busy. First of all, on Thursday evening we went to Ribfest. It was my second year going to Ribfest, and it was good! The weather was perfect, the food was delicious, and we had some decent entertainment. We didn't stay for the headlining act Night Ranger, since we both had to work early in the morning. We still had a great time, and I can see this being an annual event for us.

On Saturday we went to a Childbirth Prep Class all day. It was okay. We definitely learned some things during the class, but I don't know if it was worth the money we paid for it. The class sure made it more real for us as we got to tour the Labor and Delivery Floor as well as the Postpartum floor. It makes me both nervous and excited for labor, and of course getting to meet our little girl!!!

The class also motivated me to pack our hospital bags. I am 35 weeks pregnant right now, so it's getting to that time where pretty soon labor could happen at any time. I have never had such a hard time packing for something. I am pretty sure I severely overpacked, but I have never had to go to the hospital to have a baby before, so I think I would rather be safe than sorry!

Saturday was a gorgeous day, so after our class we decided to have a campfire. We made little pizzas over the fire, which was fun. I hadn't done that in forever! We also had a couple smores and then just enjoyed the evening with a lovely fire.

My husband is a part-time photographer, and the Washington Pavillion has a Ansel Adams exhibit going on right now. Actually, the exhibit has been running since March 3, and today was the last day. Since John is such an Ansel Adams fan, we hurried over to the Pavillion and walked through the exhibit. It was fun to look at all the prints, and John was a good tour guide to explain some of the complexities to me.

After touring the entire exhibit, we decided to enjoy the beautiful day so we went and visited Falls Park. It was a perfect day to sit in the park and watch the falls for a while.

For the rest of the day, we are just doing typical Sunday things. John is editing some wedding photos, and I am cleaning up the house and catching up on our blog. Sorry for the wordy blog. Hope everyone has a great week!

John making his campfire pizza and enjoying the lovely weather :)

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