Thursday, November 15, 2012

5 Months!

My little baby is 5 months old today! I can't believe where the time has gone.  I love the age Emma is right now. She giggled for the first time a few weeks ago, and it totally melted our hearts. She smiles quite a bit, and overall is a pretty happy baby.

Emma is 25 inches long and 15 pounds. I think she just went through a pretty good growth spurt. Emma can roll over from tummy to back, but hasn't been able to do back to tummy yet. She is holding her head up very well, and loves sucking on her fists. 

Just like I have done in a few of my other posts, I will tell you what little miss Emma is into these days.

Emma's likes
-Breastmilk (I am pretty proud of myself on this one. Emma has been exclusively breastfeed so far. I have not had to supplement with formula or anything. We did try to put a little rice cereal in her bottle a couple time to see if she would sleep a little longer at night. However, we never saw a difference, so we went back to just breastmilk. Breastfeeding is a wonderful thing. Not only is it the best food for Emma, but it is great for me too, and it's free! But it is a lot of work, and I look forward to having my body back to myself someday:)
-Her playmat
-Her jumper
-Her swing- both for playing and napping
-Pacifiers- this is getting a little bit less, but she still likes her paci when she is fussy
-When we blow on her tummy
-Laying on her back and kicking
-Standing on our laps and looking around
-Car rides
-Her crib
-Being sung to
-Sleeping on her side- but she does sleep on her back now too
-Being carried so that she look over our shoulders

Emma's dislikes
-Having her nose of eye wiped
-Having a stuffy nose
-Her car seat cover
-Being tired
-Her high chair

Emma has the craziest facial expressions sometimes. Here are some that I caught today.

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