Sunday, December 15, 2013

18 Months Old

Yep, my little baby is a year and a half already. Pretty soon she'll be closer to 2 than she is to 1. What is happening? As much as it worries me to think about how fast she is growing up, I love to watch her grow and learn. I feel like she is at such a fun age right now :)

We measured her yesterday, and she is almost 30 inches tall and she weighs right around 24 pounds. Pretty sure she is a little small for her age, but she is growing like crazy.

She has gotten really good at walking/running and climbing on things. It's kinda scary how good. She also can stack blocks, scribble with a pen/marker, and try to put on her own socks and shoes. Her fine and gross motor skills seem to be really well advanced, which is a great thing to see.

She also keeps adding words to her vocabulary. Right now she can say "mom-mom", "da-da", "ball", "elmo" (she says it melmo), "uh-oh", "oh-no", "down", "bubbles", "hi". That's all I can think of right now, there might be a few more. She waves "bye-bye" and she understand more than she can say. If you ask her to bring you something, she will walk over to the item, and bring it right over to you. I love watching her learn, and hearing her new words. It's amazing how quickly those toddlers can pick things up.

She's also very good at pointing at things, and whining until she gets it. I can sense the terrible twos around the corner. She does like to test us a little and throw fits until she gets what she wants. John and I are trying to be good about not giving in and letting her win, even though sometimes it's the only way to get the screaming or whining to stop.

Emma is a very good sleeper though, which is awesome. She usually is in bed by 8:00 or so and then sleep until 6:30-7. Most of the time, she sleeps all night with no fuss. I will take that :)

Emma's likes
-Books (I would say half of her toys are books, and she loves looking at them, turning the pages, "reading" to herself. She does not have the patience to have us read to her, but she loves her books)
-Pacifier (This is reserved for bedtime only. I also bring it to church just as a backup incase she's really crabby, otherwise it does not leave the crib. I may try to ween this in the next couple months)
-Blocks (She loves stacking blocks, or knocking over the blocks when we stack them)
-Christmas lights/trees (Every time she sees Christmas lights or a christmas tree, she points and says "oooh". It's pretty cute)
-Feeding herself (She's reached the age where mom and dad can't help feed her anymore, she wants to do it herself. And when she's hungry, she wants food NOW, not 3 minutes from now...)
-Rough housing (Emma loves being chased, tickled, rolled around, thrown in the air, or anything that involves picking on her a little, her giggles are amazing)
-Sleep (When she's ready for bed, she's ready for bed. Usually we can just give her a pacifier, lay her down, and walk out of the room, and she will pass out on her own)
-Daycare (She is usually excited to go to daycare, and she just waves "bye-bye" to John and me and then she is over it and ready to play with her friends)
-Outside (Even now in the freezing cold, Emma likes to be outside. She's my little summer baby, and being cooped up inside is never her favorite thing)
-Shoes (If we leave our shoes in the entry way, she has to carry them over to us, and acts like we are supposed to put them on)
-Music (Anytime music comes on, Emma has to dance to it. And then we are supposed to dance to it)
-New faces (She gets really excited whenever people come to visit, like Grandparents or Aunts or Uncles. She lover her mom and dad, but she really enjoys when people come visit)
-Bath time (This one is still a winner, now she's back to throwing a fit when we take her out of the bath tub)
-IPADs (Emma loves playing on our Ipads, I mean she loves it. If she sees an Ipad, and we don't let her play with it, she freaks out)

Emma's Dislikes
-Holding still (whether it is for a diaper change or clothing change, Emma does not appreciate sitting still at all. She usually does ok, but she needs something in her hands to keep her distracted from what is going on)
-Being quiet (Church is getting more and more difficult with her. She just wants to run free, but we have to contain her to the pew, and that causes problems, and then she starts getting mad...)
-Her winter coat (In her defense I don't really like her winter coat either. I bought it online from Old Navy, and it's one where the lining zips out, but the sleeves always get bunched up and it's not the easiest thing to get on. Also, Emma can't move around in it very well when it's on because it's so poofy. When we get her coat out, she usually complains a little. Gotta love winter.
-Her boring old toys (I am so ready for Christmas and some new toys for Emma. She has played the ones she has to death, and needs some more variety, which I am sure will not be a problem in a few days here)
-Being told "no" ( This usually instantly gets some sort of crying/screaming reaction. Emma does not like to not get her way)

All in all, Emma is a pretty happy, cooperative toddler. Most days are wonderful being spent with Emma, but she does have her moments that can frustrate the hell out of us. I don't like the whining, and that seems to be her new way to get attention and trying to get what she wants. I don't like that. And she is starting to test us, which is a battle. And it's only just beginning. But, I love our little peanut so much, and I love all the fun and joy she brings to us.

Happy Half-Birthday Emma, mommy and daddy love you so much!!!!

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