Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Auntie Rachel Comes to Visit...and other updates

Last week was a crazy, busy week. Between heading out to the fair a couple nights, and getting up early for work, I was pretty beat by the time the weekend rolled around.

Emma absolutely loved the fair, and we headed out again on Wednesday evening. She ate fair food like a champ, and just LOVED the fair rides again. On Wednesday evening, we let Barb and Jim take Emma for a while for John and I could just enjoy the fair on our own for a while. The weather was gorgeous and we had such a fun evening.

Rachel actually arrived on Thursday evening, just in time to put Emma to bed. Emma was super excited to see "cho-cho". Thursday was also our 4th Wedding Anniversary. We didn't really do anything super exciting because John had a photo shoot scheduled until like the day before, so we didn't have enough time to find a sitter and make plans. So, we are supper at Pizza Ranch with Emma, and then we shopped at the new Wal-mart that opened on our side of town. Pretty exciting huh?

I worked a 12 hour shift on Friday, so my day wasn't too exciting, but Rachel had Emma for the day and they went out to eat, and they went to the zoo. They had a really fun day together.

On Saturday, we started off our morning by doing some Garage Sales. We ended up in Brandon, so we ate at Tailgaters for lunch. After lunch, we went bed shopping for Emma and we bought her a twin bed. We went to Mattress Firm and we were very happy with the salespeople and the product-so we bought Emma's bed.

Emma is doing pretty well with her new bed. She was a little concerned when we started taking her crib apart, but then she was super excited when we got her bed completely set up. We also added a Minnie Mouse blanket on top, which sealed the deal for Emma. We had a little bit of a tough time getting her to go to sleep on Sunday night, but it's just a matter of establishing a new bedtime routine and figuring out what she wants. But so far, I am impressed with how the new bed is working out.

Saturday evening, we went to the pool because it was pretty hot and humid out. Emma loved it. It ended up getting a little chilly into the evening, so we couldn't stay a real long time, but it was still a lot of fun!

Sunday consisted of going to church, eating lunch at Pizza Inn, and then doing a little shopping. Rachel left late afternoon to go see some of her Sioux Falls friends, and John and I enjoyed some quiet time at home, which we hadn't had in a while! Bedtime was a struggle with Emma, but once she was down, she slept all night.

Yesterday brought the start to a new week. After work, John, Emma, and I headed out to Jim and Barb's for the evening. We ate supper, and then did some swimming in their pool they bought at the beginning of summer. It was a little chilly for a swim, so it was a quick one. But everyone had a good evening, and Emma passed out on the way home and then slept all night in her new bed again.

Right now, I am hanging out at the Avera Prairie Center. I am doing my glucose test this morning. So, I already have been drawn, and I drank the crappy, sugary drink, and now I am waiting to be re-drawn and I have an OB appointment at 9:00. It's kinda tough to sit in a cafeteria area surrounded by rolls and coffee and not be able to eat anything. But, I am surviving. Only 1.5 hours to go, and I can eat again.

Luckily, my pregnancy is going pretty well. My biggest complaints would be heartburn and just being really tired these past 2 weeks. I don't sleep super well anymore, and we have just been on the go so much lately, it's hard for this momma to keep up. Today is my day off, so after my appointments, I think I may go home and take a glorious nap because I work the next 5 days in a row-including some night call over the weekend.

Sorry for the super long post, I need to learn not to wait a week between blog posts. There is so much going on this summer-I can't keep up!!!

Hope everyone has a great week. Enjoy what's left of summer :D

Emma loving her fair rides

Tired after a long evening at the fair 

Coloring :D

Enjoying the new bed

Testing out the new bed

Swimming at Grandma and Grandpa's 

Checking out the big pool

Emma and Grandpa Jim

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