Friday, August 1, 2014

Wild Water West :)

Whew, this week has been kicking my butt a little bit. We have been super busy at work, and then it's just me and Emma at home right now, so she has kept me running all evening long as well. Then, once she is asleep I still have all the housework to catch up on before a new day starts, plus I am 22 weeks pregnant, so like I said, I am kinda beat.

But, I am having so much fun with this special time Emma and I have together this week. Wednesday wasn't too exciting. We didn't get home until 6:30pm, we ate some supper, and then we made a much-needed Target run. Like, I really did not want to go at all, but we really had no choice if we wanted to eat anything for the rest of the week. It was good though. Emma behaved pretty well, and I got all the essentials we needed for the rest of the week.

On Thursday, I made a crockpot meal in the morning, so it was really nice to have supper ready for us when we got home. In the evening, we just played outside and around in the house. Emma was slightly crabby, so we got her to bed at a decent time and then everything was ok.

I ended up getting today off, which was amazing!!!! So, Emma decided to be up at 6:30 am, and like I said work has been kicking my pregnant butt, so I dropped Emma off at daycare for a couple hours and slept and cleaned house. After that, Emma and I went to Wild Water West. It is Avera weekend at WWW, so we got in for pretty cheap and we had a blast. Emma will not do a water slide if her life depends on it, but she had so much fun just splashing around and exploring. We also got free ice cream treats, so we enjoyed some of those as well.

We spent a solid 3 hours at WWW, which is a long time for a 2 year old (and me chasing her around by myself). After we had enough of the waterpark, we went home for supper and then just played outside for the rest of the evening. It has been such a beautiful week. It has been sunny, 70s-80s, low humidity, and little to no wind all week. I have opened windows every night. I love this type of weather!!! I just cannot believe it is August already-where did this summer go?

Emma is sleeping right now-she was completely beat from the waterpark. We have gotten into a really good bedtime routine this week. We take a bath around 7:30pm, then I let her play a little while more, and then we read a couple books while rocking, and then I just lay her down and she goes to sleep without a fight. It has been glorious. Potty training is also in full swing over here. She's getting pretty good at peeing in the potty (if I remind her to go of course), but we have yet to poop in the potty. I'm hoping for any day now :) I would love to only have one kid in diapers come December.

I have really enjoyed this week, but it does make a huge difference to not have John around helping out. I haven't even spoken a word to him in 6 days! He has called a couple times, but I was at work and unable to talk to him unfortunately. He should be back late tomorrow night, I'm curious to see how Emma will react to not seeing him for so many days!!!

Emma and I may go explore the Sioux Empire Fair tomorrow, and I have a bunch of bananas going bad on my counter, so we are also going to make some banana bread! Should be fun :)

Chilling at Wild Water West-this was towards the end

WWW selfie

Ice cream treats



Sandbox fun

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