Sunday, March 22, 2015

A Recuperating Weekend.

This weekend has flown by, and we really didn't do a whole lot. We spent most of the weekend just trying to get the kids healthy again.

Elliott is finally doing a little better. Saturday was still a pretty tough day for him (and all of us), but today he was finally starting to act like himself. He was all smiles, playing, cooing, and coughing less than usual. A-men. I am so ready to have him healthy again. And sleeping at night.

So, Friday night was pretty low-key. It was in the 70s though, so we grilled out for supper. And then we spent some time playing outside with Emma while Elliott napped all evening. We played in the sandbox, and then ran around the backyard wearing out Emma for the evening.

On Saturday, we spent the morning just hanging out at home taking care of Elliott, and watching some March Madness. Meanwhile, Emma terrorized the house like usual. In the afternoon, we headed out to John's parent's house to help a little in the greenhouse, and basically just to get out of our house. Emma loved running around the farm and feeding the chickens. Elliott basically coughed, ate, and slept.

We also drove to Lake Vermillion State Park to check out the cabins we are going to camp in this summer. They also happen to be right next to a playground set, so Emma had some more fun playing. Emma almost fell asleep on the way home, we had such a busy afternoon on the farm.

Today was pretty low-key as well. We went to church in Hartford to see the Parker Church Choir sing and then ate at Pizza Ranch with Jim,  Barb, and Judy. Elliott was really fun today with all his smiling and playing. And he even did some giggling! Talk about the cutest thing ever!!

Otherwise, just a quiet afternoon in the Nelson Household. I made a quick grocery run this evening, and otherwise things are winding down for the evening. The kids are asleep (hooray) and I am watching a little TV while catching up on blogging.

I am sure hoping this next week treats this family better than the last. Hopefully Elliott is over the hump, and we are done with sickness for a little while in this house :)

Finally smiling :)

My family

Family selfie

Outdoor fun 

Me and my mini-me

Helping fill pouches in the greenhouse

Feeding chickens

Being Emma 

Riding "bike" with Grandma 

Nebs at home

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