Thursday, March 5, 2015

Caos and sleep deprivation

This week has been a tough one so far, and it's not even over yet. Elliott has still been pretty snotty and coughing a lot, so there have been some rough nights. And then on top of it all, I have 4 call shifts this week. Eek. I'm used of not getting much sleep, but this is just getting ridiculous.

Today, I have the day off so I have the kiddos with me. It has been kinda a long day, and it is only 1:00 pm. So there's that. I worked last night and didn't get to bed until midnight, and Elliott got up at 5:30 am and decided to stay up. Yuck. Also, it is cold outside again, so I am cooped up in the house with a wild 2 year old, and a crabby 3 month old. I am so ready for spring (and maybe a nap). Right now, both kiddos are sleeping, which is glorious. I should probably be sleeping too, but I always feel like I have way too much to get done to take a nap.

Emma is so funny these days. She is just a little jabber box, and her ability to put complete sentences together and tell stories just astounds me. And she loved to make music with just about any object, and then dance along with it. Her latest thing is anytime we leave to go somewhere, she always says "we'll come back". And it is just the cutest thing ever. Or, if I am leaving to go to work, she also says it. She also now says "I love you, mommy" without me having to say it first. Talk about melting my heart.

She is also becoming the best big sister ever. She gives Elliott about an average of 20 kisses a day. She will kiss his cheek and then squeal and yell "I kissed Elliott's cheek!" and laugh. It is pretty comical. She will also get him his pacifier, blanket, or "help" change his diapers. And she gets very concerned if he starts crying and she will pat his head and say "it's ok, buddy" or "what's the matter, Elliott?" It is really fun to watch her relationship with Elliott grow and change. I am very proud of how concerned and loving she is towards her brother. Sometimes she can get a little rough with him, but she has never intentionally been mean to her brother yet, which is awesome!

On the flip side of things, Elliott puts up with a lot. Emma is in his face a lot, hugging and kissing and hanging on him, and he is a trooper about it. He really likes to watch Emma, and he smiles at Emma a lot. He loves his big sister. He even just likes to listen to her talk, which is basically happening ALL the time.

Elliott turned 3 months last week, and I have been so busy I haven't even had a chance to weigh him or take his official Mickey Mouse picture to measure his growth. He has much better head control lately, and he has enjoyed sitting in the bumbo as of late. He also is really looking at things, and focusing on more than just lights and faces. He also has laughed a couple times. He hasn't like full-on giggled, but he has laughed, and it was pretty adorable. Tummy time is also getting a little more productive, and he is getting stronger. I don't think it will be too terribly long before he starts rolling over.

That's about all that's new over here. There are some 50 degree days forecasted for this weekend, so we are all looking forward to that (except I have to!). I think I am going to enjoy the quiet while I have it, with an episode of Modern Family and some sort of caffeinated beverage so I can survive this afternoon!!!

3 months old

Emma loving on Elliott

Emma accessorizing Elliott with a purse...poor little boy

Monster jammies

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