Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Hospital Nelson

It's been a couple weeks since I last blogged. The reason; it's been two weeks of pure hell. The only thing worse than a sick child, is two sick children.

Remember how in the last blog post I talked about how sick Elliott was? Well, he got better, for about two days, and then he was sick again. And this time he really got sick. He coughed and coughed, and puked up bottles, and snotted around like it was his job. Poor kid. And of course it is so much worse at night, nobody is getting much sleep in our house right now.

Emma has been staying pretty healthy lately, but on Sunday she spiked a temp up to 104 and was just feeling plain miserable. Luckily, the tylenol and ibuprofen brought it down some, or else I was thinking about an ER visit.

Elliott was pretty much sick all last week, and after suffering through a horrendous weekend of sickies, I took the kids to the doctor on Monday.

The verdict: Emma has an ear infection, we started her on amoxicillin. And Elliott has bronchiolitis, so he is on nebs four times a day and a steroid for 5 days.

This week has been full of shuffling schedules around, finding babysitters, and taking care of sick children. John suffered with Elliott all day yesterday while I put in a grueling 13 hour day at work. So, today (after next to no sleep last night) I am home taking care of the peanut.

It is a very slow turn around, but I feel like Elliott is maybe just a teensy bit better today. He still has quite a cough, but it isn't nearly as frequent, and he was even smiling and laughing while we played some today. But, I am sure tonight will be rough again.

Luckily, Emma is pretty much back to normal, and has been at daycare the last couple days. One sick child at home all day is plenty.

Needless to say, it has been quite a stressful and busy week. I really need Elliott to get better already, I feel like he has been sick for a month. I think I am seeing a light at the end of the tunnel, with healthier days ahead.

Not too much else is new around here. We have pretty much been housebound and dedicating all our time to getting our kids healthy. Even though the kids were sick, last weekend was beautiful (it was 70s and sunny!) so we did try to spend some time out in the fresh air and opened windows to try and air out our germy house.

Also, John and I are officially going to Nashville over Memorial Day weekend for his cousin's wedding. I am so excited!!! We will be so ready to take a vacation by then as well. And we will be kid-free for a few days. I am going to miss them like crazy, but I am also going to enjoy some freedom (and sleep!! :)

Here's to a healthier week next week!

Emma and I enjoyed the park, before she got sick

So much fun :)

Sunrise on the way to work

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