Monday, April 13, 2015

Elliott Firsts and Emma Silliness

This past week has flown by pretty quickly. Nothing too exciting happened during the week last week. Except it did rain, which we needed desperately. Otherwise, it was just us getting back into our weekly routine after a weekend of holiday fun. Elliott is still coughing away, but it's not terrible, and I am hoping someday in the future he will get over this cough.

This past weekend wasn't too exciting for me. I worked. And I was pretty much at work all day long each day. But it wasn't too bad of a weekend, I just missed my kiddos. On Saturday, John took the kids out to his parent's farm for a good chunk of the day. Emma had fun running around and seeing the chickens, and Elliott enjoyed all the attention.

After work on Saturday, all four of us headed to my co-worker's house for a work potluck. We didn't stay long, but Emma had a lot of fun jumping on the trampoline and Elliott got passed around quite a bit.

On Sunday, John had the kids all day by himself (I think it's the first time that's happened) and he was pretty pooped by the end of the day. It is a lot of work to watch them both, by yourself, all day long. He did a great job, but I don't think he realized what it was like until he experienced it.

Today, I had the kids all day by myself. However, I have been doing that for a long time, and I have developed a pretty good system with them. And I can usually get them to nap at the same time, which is glorious.

Today was a fun day. First of all, Elliott rolled over for the first time on Sunday, and then he did it again today. So, that was fun to watch. He can roll from his back to his belly. But he has only done it those two times so far. Elliott's doctor said it may be a while for him to roll since there is so much of him to roll (haha). He has to be creeping to 20 pounds by now. My little chubster.

We also had another first today, Elliott ate baby food for the first time. I tried it a few times last week, with rice cereal and baby food, and he just wasn't very interested or getting it. But today, he ate sweet potatoes like a champion. It was awesome. And he loved it.

Emma has been wanting to "ride a horse" for a few days now. And when she says that, she is referring to a carousel ride. She saw some pictures from last summer during the fair when she was on some rides, and now that's all she can talk about. So, I promised her Sunday night when I put her to bed that today we would go to the mall and ride some rides. And she sure didn't forget about it, and I heard about it. ALL DAY LONG. It was pretty cute, but also kinda annoying.

So, anyway, we went to the mall this afternoon and Emma got to ride her horse. Twice. And then she rode a bull. And then I had to promise that we would come back again some other day and do it again. Oh joy.

While we were in the mall, she also weaseled her way into getting french fries and ice cream. She was very good all day, but I'm not sure she was good enough to justify both french fries and ice cream. But, I guess I felt like spoiling her a little after not seeing her much this past weekend. Whoops!!

John and I just finished watching an episode of Game of Thrones, and now it's getting to be time for bed. I had a great day off with the kids, and I am not looking forward to work in the morning. Only 4 days until the weekend :)

Eating sweet potatoes like a champ

Finally getting to ride her horse 

Cuties pants 

Emma being Emma 

Napping in the food court 

Ice cream!!

Emma feeding Elliott (so cute)

Loving the real food

Elliott "helping"

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