Sunday, April 26, 2015

Mommy's First Solo Trip to Minnesota

Yep, you ready that right. I took the kids on a 3 hour car ride to Minnesota by myself. A total of 6 hours in a car, by myself, with a 2 year old and a 5 month old. I don't know what I was thinking. But, luckily, it all went really, really well.

I have been a little behind on blogging lately, mainly because I have been working some crazy weeks at work. Two weeks ago I put in 54 hours, and this last week I worked about 41 hours. So, between work, housework, and taking care of the kids, there really hasn't been any extra time to blog. So, sorry about that!

I had this past Friday off, so I used the time to pack and then head to Minnesota with the kiddos. They did so well on the way there! Emma was entertained with her DVD player and headphones, so I didn't hear so much as a peep out of her. Elliott did very well. He was happy and quiet until about halfway to Minnesota. I stopped at a gas station, fed and changed him, pottied Emma, and then we were off again. I stopped in Fairfax at my grandparent's house, and they just loved getting to see Emma and Elliott again. The kids had fun playing there also, since they were pretty sick of the car by then.

Friday night consisted of playing the Grandma Patty and Grandpa Jack, and then we all called it a night. Saturday was a fun day. We spent the morning at Stefanie Black's wedding shower, and Emma had a blast because she got to help open all the presents. Meanwhile, Elliott got passed around and everyone kissed and squeezed his cheeks.

After naps back at my parent's house, Rachel stopped by and her and Emma went on some Tractor rides with Grandpa Jack. They also rode the Ranger and 4-wheeler. Emma was in heaven.

Elliott also had a good day. He is rolling over like a champ from back to belly, but then he gets stuck on his belly and gets mad. He also has his two bottom teeth coming in, so he is drooling and snotting all over the place. He was very happy and content all weekend. He was full of smiles for everyone and just generally enjoyed himself.

Samantha and Holly (friends from high school) also came and visited for a while. They had fun spending time with the kids, and it was very nice to catch up with them since they are both planning wedding right now.

The day ended with some more visiting with family, and some wine and beer of course. Emma was a little party animal and was not in bed until about 10:00pm. Little stinker!

Today has gone by pretty quick. We went to church in the morning, and both kids did pretty well. Then we ate some lunch, and enjoyed the sunny, beautiful 65 degree day. Then it was time for the ride back home. I was a little nervous about it, but they did great! I didn't make a single stop on the way back. Elliott slept some of the way, and otherwise he was content to just ride. Emma watched Mickey Mouse, and then slept for the last 45 minutes or so. It was a nice little drive.

Now, I am finally unpacked and settled in. Elliott is peacefully sleeping downstairs, and Emma is negotiating for a snack before bedtime. Typical Emma.

John stayed behind this weekend because he had a lot of photos to finish up and some other errands. He enjoyed the break, but I think he missed us pretty badly. It is very nice to be back home :)

This next week looks nice and warm and sunny. I think spring is finally here!!

Emma and Elliott swinging 

Elliott's first time swinging 


Painting pictures for the grandparents 

Daddy and Elliott 

Play kitchen at Grandma Patty's 

Elliott at 5 months 

Emma taking a well-deserved nap

Ranger rides

Swinging with Ryan 

Blooming crab apple tree


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