Tuesday, May 12, 2015

A Happy Birthday/Nurse's Week/Mother's Day Week

This past week was a big one for celebrations. I turned 28 last Monday, I'm not really sure how that happened. Am I really getting that close to 30? Where did the time go?

My birthday was a pretty low-key day. I worked, went to our nursing gala for work, and that was pretty much it. I got a cute carry-on luggage piece for our trip to Nashville for my birthday, and then some odds and ends on the actual day from John. It was a nice day, even though we didn't celebrate in any big way.

This last week was also Nurse's Week. I attended the Nursing Gala, which is a celebration our Nurse Governance puts on for us. It was okay, it tends to get pretty boring towards the end. There is a lot of talking, and award presenting. We also got some free t-shirts and ice cream at work. It was a nice week to feel a little extra appreciation for being a nurse.

I also celebrated my first Mother's Day as a mother of two. Unfortunately, I had to work nights all weekend, and we put in quite a few hours, so it wasn't the best weekend in the world. However, I got to spend whatever time I wasn't at work with my family, so what more could I ask for. I also got some cute Mother's Day gifts from the kids at daycare, which is always completely adorable.

We usually spend Mother's Day out at the Greenhouse to help Jim and Barb since they are open and sometimes busy on Mother's Day. This year there were thunderstorms, lightning, and quite a downpour, so we ended up just staying home. We had a lazy day at home enjoying some time with each other and the kids.

We also helped celebrate Abby's 3rd Birthday. We headed to Marie and Todd's Saturday evening, and Emma really had a good time playing with Abby and Anna. It was nice to see everyone and visit. We also got to meet Juan Jr for the first time. Elliott and Juan Jr. also got to meet each other, it was pretty cute.

The beginning of May is always a fun time because the weather is getting so beautiful and we have so many things to celebrate. I am truly blessed to be a mom to two wonderful, healthy children. They can be busy and hectic sometimes, but I love every second of it. I am trying to soak this all up while they are young, because time truly does fly.

Today was a beautiful evening, so John and I spent some time planting our perennials. We decided to put in some perennials by our basement window and we had to replace our hastas that were damaged by hail last summer. It felt really good to do some digging and get our hands dirty.

In other news, both kids have pretty nasty coughs going on right now, so that'd always fun. Emma is a big snot factory, and she hacks pretty good at night. Luckily, she tends to either sleep through it or just deal with it, because she doesn't cry or come out of her room, even when she is coughing quite a bit. Elliott just has his usual cough that he has had since starting daycare. It's kind of annoying, but we are sort of getting used to it as well.

That's just about all that's new in our household. We have a pretty busy week, and then this weekend we are heading to Minnesota for Cody's Graduation Party (how is he old enough to graduate?) I am pretty excited to hang out with some family this weekend :)

Elliott enjoying his jumper

Playing in the rain

John and the two little boys (BTW Juan Jr is 2 months older than Elliott, but Elliott is way bigger...haha)

Bubble fun


Me and my little boy on Mother's Day

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