Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Cody's Graduation and other happenings

This last weekend was a busy one, and flew by. All of us traveled to Minnesota for the weekend because my cousin Cody was having his graduation party. I'm not sure how that happened, since I still think of him as a 10 year old kid.

We headed to Minnesota on Friday night, and we actually met my family at Prairie's Edge Casino in Granite Falls. Friday was  my dad's birthday and he wanted to try out the seafood buffet at the casino. It was delicious, and it was a really nice evening spent with my family. We had to wait about an hour to be seated though, so it was a little interesting keeping the kids happy the whole time. It also got pretty late by the time we actually got to my parent's house, but it was a nice night.

Saturday was a pretty low-key day. It was windy, cool , and rainy all day, so we spent the day in the house visiting and playing with the kids. In the afternoon, we headed into town to Squirrel's Bar and Grill for Cody's Graduation Party. It was nice to do some visiting and pass the kids around to the extended family. The day ended with some wine, and enjoying the quiet once the kids were asleep.

Sunday was pretty typical. We went to church in the morning, had a good lunch with the family, and then headed back home. The  kids handled all the traveling very well. Elliott basically either looked at Emma, played with a few toys, or slept, and Emma was content to watch her movies. They really didn't crab or fuss the entire 6 hours, which was awesome.

Emma traveling in style

This week has been cruising along pretty nicely. I had the kids home with me today, and we had a very nice day. Elliott was a happy little boy, who ate nice and took awesome naps and didn't give me any problems at all. Emma was also very well behaved all day. She didn't have any potty accidents all day, she listened very well, ate her lunch and supper like a champ, and was extra adorable today. I really enjoyed my day with my cutie pies, especially since we leave for Nashville on Saturday (who-hoo) and I won't see them for 4 days (boo). 

My two cutie pies 

SO happy :)

Elliott is too big to sit on Emma's lap already 

Sitting up like such a big boy :)

Scooter Fun

Stroller ride
So, that's been the news around these parts lately. We stay pretty busy, like usual, but things are going very well. The kids are healthy and happy, and we are doing wonderfully. 

Like I mentioned above, we fly to Nashville Saturday morning, and we are very excited. I am going to miss my kiddos like crazy, but I am really excited to have some time alone with my husband, and some kid-free nights and mornings. It should be a really nice get-away. 

Hope everyone has a fabulous rest of the week, and hopefully the weather starts behaving again some day soon!!

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