Sunday, August 30, 2015

Elliott- 9 months old

This past Friday, Elliott had his 9 months check up. He is a healthy and happy little boy. He currently weighs 25 pounds, and is 29 and a quarter inches long. He is in the 97th percentile for height and weight. 

I also brought up the fact that Elliott has a chronic cough, and has never really not had a cough, so Dr. Knutson decided we will try him on a steroid neb, for some reactive airway disease, and we will go from there. Hopefully, it will help him and he will not be so weezy and coughy all the time. And hopefully he outgrows all this junk someday. 

Elliott is not quite crawling yet. He does scoot a little on his butt, and he can rotate in a circle on his bottom. He also rolls all over to get where he wants to go, but so far he can't quite figure out crawling. 

Elliott's eating is getting a lot better. He is much better at eating solids, and eats a good 3 jars everyday. He also keeps getting better at puffs and finger food, but they still make him gag sometimes, so it's a work in progress. He currently has 6 teeth, with 2 more on the way!

He is finally sleeping though the night, and it is awesome. He is usually down by 7:30 or 8, and then wakes up at 6:00, ready for a bottle. And sometimes he even goes back to sleep after that 6 am bottle. He still loves his bottle, and he can drain an 8 oz bottle in no times ( I am super excited to not have to buy formula anymore in 3 short months!!!)

Elliott's likes at 9 months:
-Pacifier- Still loves the paci. If it is out of sight he is ok, but once he sees it, he HAS to have it
-Bath time- Loves to splash and play in the water, doesn't mind water in his face, He is a water baby
-Being carried- Pretty much loves to be held and carried around anytime
-Stroller rides- Loves stroller rides as long as you keep moving
-Bedtime- When he's ready for sleep, there better be nothing that gets in his way
-Bottle- Makes him very happy
-Being tickled- You can get him into quite a giggle fest
-Car rides- Tolerates the car very well, and falls asleep with no problem

Elliott's Dislikes at 9 months:
- Being tired- once he starts rubbing his eyes, it's time to get him to bed
-Getting dressed- Getting changed is the worst thing in the world
-Being teased with his pacifier to entice him to crawl- He's not impressed with this one
-Being left alone in the living room for any amount of time
-Snuggling- not a big snuggler anymore, unfortunately 

Elliott is sure at a fun age. He is getting really good with his hands, and he is always investigating everything, and putting just about anything and everything in his mouth. He is a pretty happy kiddo, and I am excited for him to start moving and tearing my house apart!!

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