Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Summer Days

Before our very eyes, August keeps flying by. There's only about a week left. That is crazy! How is September almost here already?!

Not too much new in the Nelson Household. We've been keeping busy with work and the kids of course. Last weekend was Jamie and Tyler Ogle's wedding. It was a fun little get-together. John's aunts Jill and Peg were in town, so it was fun to see everyone. The kids handled everything pretty well. Emma danced to her little heart's content, and she was so happy to have Abby and Anna to play with. Elliott did very well too. He did well with being passed around all night, took a little nap in the stroller, and then made it until 9:00pm.

The wedding was at McKennan Park, I didn't make it to that since I worked until 3:00pm. Emma and I caught up with everyone at the reception, downtown at the Visual Arts Museum. It was a beautiful reception and we all had a good time.

The rest of the weekend flew by in a hurry. Saturday was a pretty dreary day, and everyone was pretty tired overall from the busy evening before. So, we took it easy and pretty much chilled out at home. We did get Emma out to a park in the afternoon, and she had fun with that.

Sunday, we ended up going to the Washington Pavillion and went to the Kirby Science Center. Both kids had a good time and were overall entertained with that.

This week is flying by pretty quickly. The weather has been absolutely gorgeous. It's been sunny, and about 70-75 degrees. I loved this weather. And we are going into fall weather, with sweatshirt weather and fall decorating, yay!!! But we have taken advantage of the nice weather, and spent most evenings outside playing with the kids.

Today, Emma and I used a kit I bought her at Target to decorate a wooden box. She painted it, and then we added some stickers and glitter glue. It was pretty cute. Then, randomly, the ice cream truck drove past, so we all had to splurge on some SDSU ice cream. Emma was pretty excited about the whole thing. Elliott spent a lot of time outside with us as well. Poor kid has two more teeth coming in, so he tuckered out about a half hour ago.

Right now, Emma and I are watching some Strawberry Shortcake, and then heading to bed. It has been a wonderful evening, but we are all starting to tucker out for the evening. So, here's calling it a night.

Elliott playing at the reception

Emma dancing at the reception 

Elliott swinging 

9 months old already!

3 going on 13

How do you eat cheerios?

Painting a box

Little brother wants to help

Ice Cream Truck!!!!!

Happy little girl


Could there be a better summer day?!

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