Sunday, August 30, 2015

Wrapping up Summer

The days are getting a littler shorter, a little chiller, and unfortunately August is about gone. Once again I cannot believe how fast the year is flying by! However, I do love fall, and I can't help but be excited about the changing seasons.

This past weekend was really fun. Friday, after dropping the kids off with John's parents, we went out to eat the Johnny Carinos. Then, we headed downtown for a free block party that was going on. It was a little out of my comfort zone, but it was fun. It was live music, most of which was rap. It was entertaining, and had a good beat, but 4 hours of it was more than enough for me. Soul Crate and Later Babes played at 9:30pm, and that is who John wanted to see. They were good, but by 11:30 I was more than happy to leave.

Saturday I had to work. I had a pretty decent day at work, and then we had a grill-out at Johnny and Kristina's house. Emma had so much fun playing with Abby and Anna. Those three girls literally ran around, screamed, and played the entire evening. They actually did very well together, and there was minimal fighting involved.  Elliott did well, and enjoyed playing on the floor and watching all the excitement. He went to sleep in a pack and play at around 7:30pm, so that was nice.

We left about 9:30pm, and luckily Elliott pretty much stayed sleeping and Emma wasn't too difficult to get to bed. It's always nice to have some adult time while the kids can entertain each other.

Today was pretty low key. We went to church, took naps, and did some grocery shopping. It was nice to have a catch up day at home before starting another crazy week at work.

Hope everyone has a great week!!

Tired girl

Juan Jr and Elliott checking things out

Happy Boy


Double trouble 

Abby pushing Emma in a doll stroller 

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