Friday, October 16, 2015

Fall Happenings

I'm not exactly sure how it happened, but it's been a couple weeks since I blogged. Basically, Elliott was pretty miserable for about a week with a cough, and Emma kept complaining of her ear hurting, so between the two of them we had a pretty hectic week. I also had a week last week where I picked up some extra shifts, and worked a 50 hour work week. So, that maybe explains why I have been MIA for a couple weeks.

So, let's catch up on what has been happening around the Nelson Household. Besides all the sickness, we have been enjoying a beautiful fall season. We have had trips to the park, been riding bike, playing catch, wagon rides, and just trying to be outside as much as possible before the weather changes.

We made a Target run last weekend and found some Halloween costumes for the kids. Emma is going to be a witch (which is adorable) and Elliott's costumes were pretty picked over, so we decided on a Vikings Football Player, which is also going to be adorable. Emma is getting pretty excited to wear her costume and go Trick-or-Treating, she doesn't really understand why we can't just go Trick-or-Treat right now. It's pretty cute. That girl loves her candy.

Speaking of candy, Emma had her first dentist appointment on Thursday. She was very brave, and did a great job. She let the hygienist count her teeth, and even polish 4 of them. I was very proud of her. Her teeth look good, except for one dark spot on a back tooth, so we just have to be sure to brush well and maybe avoid or limit those darn fruit snacks. Poor Emma. She was very excited to tell everyone about her Dentist appointment, and she even got to pick out a toothbrush and a prize for being so good. It was a good day all around.

Today, I got the day off from work, which was amazing. I brought the kids to daycare, and enjoyed a quiet morning, before running errands and cleaning the house. I am hosting a co-worker's baby shower tomorrow, so I had groceries to get, and a house to tidy and clean. After picking up the kids, we decided to carve and paint pumpkins once Elliott was asleep.

Emma had a great time painting her pumpkin and riding her bike around the garage while John and I carved pumpkins. It's a fun tradition and I look forward to doing it every year with the kids.

I absolutely love this time of the year. Tomorrow we are going to try to take some pictures of the kids at a park, before John's session with another family. And then I have prep work and tidying up to do for the baby shower. I swear our days never slow down, but I enjoy every minute of it.

Wagon Ride on a chilly fall day

10 months old 

Elsa Emma

Emma's witch costume 

My and  my little cutie pie

Goofy girls 

Beautiful fall day at the park

Going down the slide together 

Elliott and his puppy pal

Emma's First Trip to the Dentist 

Brave Girl

Painting Pumpkins!!

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