Saturday, October 3, 2015

October Zoo Trip

Happy Saturday! Once again, in a blink of an eye, one month has vanished, and another has taken it's place. It's October already!!

I had yesterday off from work, and of course had the kids home with me, and we turned it into a pretty fun day. We started off by just playing at home while Elliott took his morning nap. Then, we went to the Library to pick out some new books for the week. Emma has been really into going to the Library and returning the books we borrowed, and then picking out new books. In the meantime, Elliott is trying to eat every book in the library and shrieking and yelling until every single person in the library gives us a dirty look.

After some afternoon naps, we headed to the zoo for the afternoon. We walked around and looked at all the animals, and surprisingly enough, Elliott rode like a champ in the stroller and Emma behaved very well. After seeing the animals, Emma wanted to play with the toys inside the museum for a while. I kinda had to tear her out of there once it was closing time.

I also took a chance, and brought both kids to Wal-Mart by myself. It actually went very well and I remembered everything on my shopping list, so that was a big win.

Today has been a little crazy. We had big plans to go to the apple orchard, and maybe even the Festival of Bands, but we just couldn't get our crap together and even make it out of the house. Elliott has a nasty cold right now, so he was crabby and slept most of the morning. While he was napping, Emma and I did some Halloween painting projects, which were pretty fun to work on (pictures to come when they are finished).

This afternoon we were still trying to get out of the house to do something, but now both kids are napping. We just can't get things to work out for us today. But that's ok, we will just enjoy a Saturday inside with the kiddos.

I am super excited for Halloween later this month. We haven't completely decided on Halloween Costumes for the kids yet, but I have some fun ideas and plan to do some shopping soon.

While we were at the zoo, I tried to get some cute pictures of the kids, and failed miserably. So, I will leave you with those :)

P.S. Elliott is finally starting to crawl around. It's pretty adorable. He only takes a couple crawls, and then stops and sits on his butt. But it's cute. And soon, he is going to be cruising around like crazy.

Happy Fall Y'all!!!!!

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