Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween! We had a great day here, it was full of dressing up, Trick-or-treating, and just general silliness.

Our Halloween Festivities actually started yesterday, when we went to Brookings after work for a Halloween Celebration at the United Retirement Center. John's Grandpa, Percy, lives there, and they had trick or treating, inflatables, mazes, and laser tag for the kids. They also served a light meal of hotdogs, chips, pop, and cheese.

It was a nice little trip to Brookings. The weather didn't cooperate very well, it was rainy and chilly, so the inflatables were pretty much a no-go, which was a bummer for Emma since she loves those things. Emma was Doc McStuffins again, and was super adorable. She had fun with the mazes and getting all sorts of candy of course.

Elliott was a Vikings football player, and he handled all the noise and chaos very well. It was also nice to visit with Percy, and for the kids to hang out with their Great-Grandpa for a little while.

Today was pretty busy, but a fun day. We started off by doing some grocery shopping in the morning. Emma had to wear her witch costume right away, and she had fun showing off her costume to everyone in the store. After groceries, Emma and I went to Michael's where they were doing some crafts with the kids, and also some face painting. Emma had a really good time.

After lunch, and some naps, we got the kids ready for some trick or treating. Jim and Barb came by to eat supper with us, and hand out candy to kids while we took the kids trick or treating. We got lucky and got a pretty nice evening for trick or treating. It was about 50 degrees, and a little breezy. We pulled Elliott around in the wagon, and Emma got to go trick or treating with a neighbor girl, and that just made her day.

Emma ended up with an entire pail full of candy. We limited her to about 3 pieces of candy. She was getting pretty tired by the end of the trick or treating.

After some sugar highs, and some periods of hyperactivity, we finally got both kids to sleep. It is daylight savings time tonight, so we do gain an hour of sleep, but we are all pretty shot from all the fun. Tomorrow is supposed to be 70 degrees (on Nov 1st!), which is awesome. We are planning some yard cleaning, leaf jumping, and maybe even some fun in the park. I'm excited.

Hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween!!

Our cute little witch and her pumpkins 

Mashed potato fun

Elliott and Great-Grandpa Percy

Halloween fun

Emma the witch

Getting a Hello Kitty face painting 

Emma can write her own name 

Getting ready for Trick or Treating 

Posing with Mickey and Minnie

Trick or Treating Fun

Elliott's very enthusiastic about Trick or Treating 

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