Thursday, December 17, 2015

A visit to Santa.

We are in full-blown holiday season over here. I've barely blinked, and now Christmas is only about a week away. I am not sure how that happened. This is probably the least ready for Christmas I have ever been. I still have presents left to buy, we haven't even gotten our Christmas cards to send out yet, and I haven't wrapped a single thing. I guess we are lucky that our Christmas decorations are up.

Life has been pretty busy over here, like it usually is. The kids keep me very busy. Elliott had a tough week last week. He was just generally crabby, and difficult. I think he has some teeth coming. He also had really bad diarrhea and his butt was so raw it was practically bleeding. Poor kiddo. But, we got through it, and we have or happy little boy back once again. And he is eating like a horse, we can't keep him full. I think a growth spurt is on it's way as well.

Emma has been doing very well lately. She is staying healthy, and she is loving all this Christmas stuff. She loves the lights, and the music and she is super excited for Christmas when she can open presents. It's adorable. She actually went to her first movie in the theatre with Grandma Barb the other day, and she saw the movie Peanuts. She loves every minute of it, and was so excited to tell everyone about it.

We took the kids to see Santa this past weekend and they both did really well. We had been talking up Santa for the past week, so Emma was very excited to see him and she even knew what she was going to ask for. She wants Santa to bring her a stuffed Hallie, Stuffy, and Chilly (characters from Doc McStuffins) for Christmas. It was pretty cute. She got pretty shy around Santa, and just kind of whispered what she wanted, but she went through with it and sat on his lap like a champ.

Elliott also did very well. He just sat on Santa's lap and looked around. He didn't cry or look scared at all. He looked all handsome in his Christmas sweater, and just overall did much better than Emma did with her first visit to Santa.

Otherwise things have been going really well around here. I love this time of the year. I love all the family time. the holiday lights and treats, and just the overall feeling this time of year gives you. This weekend Emma has a Christmas Program at church, and I am super excited to watch her in it. I think she is just singing one song, but it will be cute. I also have to work this weekend, so between that and the Christmas program this weekend will fly by in no time. Before we know it, Christmas will be here.

Happy Holidays!!!

Emma and her Gingerbread House

Emma and I dressed Elliott up in a tutu :)

Me and my boy

Emma's a little unsure

But she warmed up to Santa

So adorable.

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