Sunday, December 20, 2015

Emma's Christmas Program 2015

We had a pretty fun weekend in the Nelson Household. I had to work all weekend, so it wasn't super exciting for me, but my parents and brother came to town this past weekend and the kids really had a lot of fun with them.

On Saturday, the boys and Emma did some shopping around town, and ran into Santa Claus at Home Depot. Emma was super excited to see Santa, and was even able to mumble out that she wanted her Doc McStuffins stuffed animals. She also got a candy cane, and ate the entire thing.

Everyone (except me), also went out to eat at Texas Roadhouse and then drove through Falls Park to see all the Christmas lights. Emma and Elliott really enjoyed the company, and all the fun activities.

Today was a pretty busy day as well. I worked all day again, but my parents and Ryan spent the day playing with the kids and just hanging out at the house.

Emma had her Christmas Program at church at 4:00pm. I was able to get off work early and go to this, and it was adorable. Emma sat with us, went up to sing one song and to say a group part with some other kids, and then she came back to sit with us. It was so cute. And she was so proud to stand up there with the other kids. Both sets of Grandparents were able to attend the program, so it was a pretty special evening. Elliott even behaved pretty well throughout the entire service.

After the Christmas program, we went out to eat with mom, dad, and Ryan to TC Referee's. It was a nice ending to a great weekend. My parents and brother left about an hour and a half ago, and we just got the kids settled into bed. I have one more 12 hour shift tomorrow, and then I am off work until after Christmas. I am super excited for a little time off, and for the holiday season.

But, I have a lot of wrapping to do before Christmas gets here!

Emma visiting with Santa at Home Depot

Emma the goofball

Ready for her Christmas Program

Children's Christmas Program at Bethel Church 

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