Sunday, December 27, 2015

Kiecker Christmas 2015

Another Christmas is in the books. This past week has just flown by, and I feel like I blinked, and now Christmas has already come and gone. The Christmas Music is off the radios, the lights and Christmas decorations are coming down, and I kind of have the post-holiday blues already.

It was a wonderful Christmas though. I actually had this last week off from work, which was awesome. I spent a couple of the days at home with no kids, and cleaned the house, ran errands, and just did things that are usually difficult to do with two young children in the house. It was kind of nice.

We had Christmas at home with the kids on Christmas Eve morning. We put the presents under the tree while the kids were sleeping. The night before we had Emma set out cookies and milk for Santa. It was pretty cute. Emma was just old enough to sort of understand Santa coming to bring her presents. Emma was thrilled with her presents, and opened them very enthusiastically. It was a very fun Christmas morning. Elliott was pretty overwhelmed, and basically just played with the tissue paper, but he had fun with it as well.

After we all unwrapped our presents, and played for a while, we headed to Minnesota. We got to my parents house around 1:00pm, and after we were unpacked and settled, we headed to Janel and Tim's to celebrate Christmas with my dad's side of the family. Emma and Eli had fun playing with the cousins, and they also had more gifts to open and play with. We also watched Jenna and Trevor in the Children's Christmas Eve program. Elliott was a nightmare during the service, and him and John spent most of the program in the church entryway. After the program, we headed back to Tim and Janel's for some food, games, and socializing. It was a nice get-together.

Christmas Day was spent at my parent's house. We went to church in the morning. Elliott was a nightmare in church, and I actually ended up taking him home for a nap halfway through church. Church hasn't been real fun with him lately. After lunch, we opened presents again, and Emma and Elliott both got spoiled rotten. It was a really fun day, and everyone had fun opening gifts.

On Saturday we spent the morning playing with the kids and visiting before heading back in the early afternoon. We made it back home by 4:00pm, and then settled back into our home.

Today was a catch up day. I spent a good amount of the day cleaning the house, grocery shopping, and continuing to pick up the house. Eli was pretty crabby today from a long holiday weekend, so he took a couple long naps and is soundly sleeping now. Emma had a good day, but is protesting bedtime again. She's been a little pill about bedtime again lately, so that's been a fun battle.

We had a wonderful Christmas with the Kiecker side, and we still have one left to celebrate with John's family.

Merry Christmas everyone, and have a truly Blessed New Year!!

P.S. We were terrible about taking pictures this year, and I basically only have pictures of the kids. Enjoy.

Our Christmas Tree and presents 

Elliott loves Christmas too!

My sweeties :)

Emma digging in

Elliott joining the fun

Emma and her Minnesota presents 

Super excited!

Elliott attacking the tree

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