Monday, January 25, 2016

Weekend Update and 14 months old

We were feeling pretty cooped up this weekend, and the weather was in the 30s, so we decided to get out of the house for a couple hours. We headed to the Kirby Science Center at the Washington Pavillion and both kids really had a good time.

Emma ran around like a crazy toddler and had a blast with every single exhibit. She was really disappointed when it came time to go home (but fell asleep on the car ride home. So she was tired).

Elliott did a really good job at the science center. He had a blast playing in the water table, and he was soaking wet after that. He also had a lot of fun just wandering around and exploring. He got super tired by the end of the trip, and he passed out cold on the way home.

John also took Emma outside to do some sledding, and she really enjoyed that. She loves playing in the snow an getting outside when it's not so cold out. We didn't break down and buy Elliott any snowpants or boots this year, so he hasn't really experienced snow yet, but I don't think that bothers him too badly.

Sunday was a pretty low-key day. We did our typical church routine (one of us goes to Bible study while Emma is at Sunday School while the other one of us stays home with Elliott while he naps and then we meet up in church at 10:30 for the church service). It's a routine that's really worked well for us for the past couple months, and Emma really enjoys her Sunday School classes.

After church, we had lunch at Hy-Vee and then did some grocery shopping. After that it was naps all around and some playoff football. We spent the rest of the day just playing with the kids and enjoying being at home.

Elliott also turned 14 months old on Sunday. He is at a pretty fun age right now. It would be nice if he could communicate a little better about his needs, but he is becoming more independent and not quite so clingy and whiny like he was a couple months ago. Like I mentioned in my last post, he is also walking, and he continue to improve on a daily basis with his walking. It's pretty fun to watch.

It's been a while, so I thought I would hit on his likes and dislikes again.

Elliott's 14 month likes:
-Pacifier- Still loves this dumb thing. If he sees it, he thinks he has to have it. Definitely needs it at bed time.
-Food- This kid loves to eat. He pretty much eats adult sized meals. It's pretty incredible.
-His crib- Bedtime is awesome. We give him his blanket, pacifier, and then lay him down. It's that easy.
-Bath time- Still absolutely loves splashing in the tub
-Walking- He is really enjoying his new mode of transportation
-Being carried/held- Still likes to be held alot. Not the easiest on the back or arms.
-Car rides- Does great in his car seat. Hardly ever complains while in the car.
-Daycare- Finally warming up to daycare and doesn't scream when we leave him there. But he is still very happy to see us when we come pick him up. He doesn't get enough sleep at daycare, so he can be a little ornery in the evenings.
-Dancing- If you play music or sing, Elliott will stop everything and start dancing. It's pretty cute.
-Banging toys together- This is constant. And loud. And pretty cute as well.
-Yelling- Loves to yell for no reason at all. He gets excited, and then he gets really loud.
-Throwing food- He has a very bad habit of throwing his sippy cup on the floor constantly, and also throwing food on the floor once he starts getting full. Mom and dad aren't too impressed with this little habit.

Elliott's 14 months dislikes:
-Getting dressed- Hates laying still for anything, especially diaper changes or getting dressed.
-Being set down or "ignored"- If we set him down or turn our attention to Emma or something else, and he isn't ready for it, he really doesn't like it and can throw quite a fit. He's quite the attention seeker.
-Having his food taken away before he's done eating- This never goes well.
-Emma's overwhelming love- She likes to hug and smother Elliott a little too much. He gets fed up with this and either yells in protest or starts shoving her away. He doesn't tolerate her as much as he used to.
-Getting shoed out of the bathroom- We really try to keep the door shut at all times, but with Emma using the bathroom too it doesn't always happen, and he just loves playing in the bathroom, which includes throwing things into the toilet. So, we end up taking him out and closing the door, and that really makes him mad.

Water table fun at the Kirby Science Center 

My and my little lady 

Elliott playing the big piano

14 months old. 

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