Monday, November 14, 2016

A Gorgeous far.

Another week has passed, and the weather continues to be absolutely amazing. It is the middle of November, and we haven't even had to really wear coats yet. It has been consistently in the 60s, and has just been an all around a great fall.

This past week, John was gone for most of the week in Boston. The kids and I had a pretty good week. They were well-behaved and stayed pretty healthy, so that made my week a little easier. Work is starting to get really busy though, so I went to bed pretty tired at the end of the day.

This past weekend was really nice, and we took full advantage. Friday night was pretty low-key and we spent it at home recovering from the week. Saturday was spent running errands and catching up on some housework. We made a Costco run, played in the house, and cleaned. It wasn't too exciting, but it was very nice to have a catch up day, and all hang out together.

Yesterday, it was 65 degrees and just absolutely amazing out. Elliott is battling a nasty chest cold, so just Emma and I went to church. Then we headed to the library and then we went to Toys R Us and picked out a birthday present for Elliott. It was pretty cute to watch Emma help pick out a gift for her brother. And she is super excited to help wrap it and give it to him on his birthday. So sweet.

After some shopping, we met the boys at Sertoma Park (or 4 Parks as Emma likes to call it) and the kiddos had fun playing in the park for a good hour and a half. They loved burning off some energy on the gorgeous day. We also headed to the Outdoor Campus and let the kids play on the trail there. It was a fun afternoon. We stopped by Noodles and Company on the way home for lunch and then headed home. There was a super moon last night, so we spent some time looking at that outside, and then we got everyone ready for bed to start another week.

Today was another nice day, but we are in for a drastic change. On Saturday, the high is supposed to be 37. Burr. So, not ready for that.

Bath time with mom 

Park Dates 

Donuts for breakfast, don't tell dad!!

Crafts with Grandma 

Outdoor Campus 

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