Friday, November 4, 2016

Halloween 2016

Another Halloween is in the books, and we had a great one. The weather was absolutely fantastic. It was sunny, about 65 degrees, and about as still as could be. We took the kids around in our t-shirts, it was just crazy.

I luckily had the day off, so after some Halloween parties at daycare, I brought the kids to John's work to visit his coworkers and do a little trick or treating. Then we went home, and got started on some trick or treating around home. John and I took the kids around the neighborhood, while Jim and Barb stayed at our house and handed out candy.

The kids were pretty fun to take around. Emma caught on pretty quickly that if the house had their lights on, she could knock on the front door and say trick or treat, and she got candy. She was very excited and went house to house without much prompting from us. Elliott didn't really know what was going on, but he would say trick or treat, and he took candy with no problem. He had a sucker in his mouth most of the night.

By 7pm, it got pretty dark, and then the kids had fun handing out candy for a little while. Emma really enjoyed this, she loved handing out candy to other kids. We sat on the front stairs and handed out candy for a while, and she would just yell for kids to come to her and get candy when she saw them on the sidewalk, it was pretty cute.

Emma and I made one more trip around the neighborhood in the dark. They made a very good haul with candy, and they really enjoyed the night. Emma made a terrific batgirl, and Elliott tolerated his Flash outfit.

The rest of this week has passed pretty uneventfully. I got some pretty exciting news, and accepted a new job! I am going to be working in the OR and the same day surgery center. It is going to be a huge change for me, but I am excited for something new! And my hours are going to be 6:30-3, Monday through Friday, so I am really excited to have a normal schedule as well. I still have a good 3 weeks left at work, but I am sure it will fly by and that new job will be starting in no time. I am a little nervous about it, but overall, I am very excited to start!!

Tonight is our fall festival at church, with a chili cook off and games for the kids. It should be a fun evening with friends, and then we are looking at having a nice, calm weekend with not too much on the agenda. Also, it is supposed to continue to be beautiful with highs in the 70s for the next couple of days, so we are doing our best to try and enjoy it :)

The flash busting into some M&Ms

Getting the hang of trick or treating 

Trick or Treat

Emma loves Halloween :)


Enjoying the gorgeous November weather at the park

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