Monday, December 19, 2016

Christmas @ the Nelson's House

Christmas week is here already! I feel like I barely blinked, and it went from celebrating Thanksgiving to Christmastime in a flash. Our household is very excited for it to be Christmas, but time could slow down a little bit.

This past weekend was another crazy one that kept us busy, busy, busy. On Friday night, John had a photography assignment at a concert at the Washington Pavillon. He had a good time, and made some good money while the kids and I enjoyed a quiet evening at home.

Saturday was absolutely freezing outside. It started off at about -5, and the overnight low got down to -27 degrees, not counting the windchill. It was just miserably cold. So, the kids stayed home and inside the warm house all day, while John and I went to Christmas at the Cathedral. I won some free tickets from Avera, so we decided to go check it out. We had amazing seats, and it was a really good concert. There was an orchestra, a choir, and two very, very good vocalists that performed for almost 2 hours. It was an awesome way to kick off the holiday season.

Dyllan and Liz babysat the kids while we were gone, and once we got back home we all just hung out together for the rest of the day. We ordered a pizza for supper, and had a good evening visiting with friends and getting some baby snuggles in while they were here.

We celebrated Christmas with John's family on Sunday. Jeff smoked some ribs and we had some french fries and coleslaw, and lots and lots of sweets. The kids had an absolute blast opening presents, Emma was so excited it was adorable. And Elliott finally got the hang of it all towards the end, and enjoyed opening his presents as well.

The kids (and John and I ) got absolutely spoiled. There were many presents for everyone, and we all had a really great Christmas celebration. It's hard to believe that we already have one Christmas in the books.

Emma's gifts: Junior legos, Paw Patrol microphone, Spirograph, socks, nightgown, hotwheels cars, art easle, coloring book, crayons, sewing kit, perler beads, and stickers.

Elliott's gifts: Barn with a lot of different animals, pajamas, socks, paw patrol cars and dogs, playdoh, Hotwheels cars, and stickers.

This year, we are hosting Christmas at our house for my family since Emma has her Christmas program on Christmas eve. It's exciting to have it here for something different, and I look forward to all the excitement the kids will have on Christmas morning.

Merry Christmas!!!

Santa came to visit at daycare, Eli was not too impressed

Things were a little better with big sister Emma helping 

Ready to distribute all the presents 

Christmas at Grandma and Grandpa's house 

Emma's pile of gifts 

Eli is getting in on the action 


Christmas selfie 

Playing with animals 

Helping dad open gifts 

Emma loves her new microphone 

Building legos 

Playing Spirograph with grandma 

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