Monday, April 24, 2017

Elena Julia Rosa.

I'm an auntie!! It's pretty exciting! It wasn't so long ago that John and I were wondering if we would ever be an aunt or uncle, and now we finally are. 

Rachel and Carlos had their baby girl on Tuesday, April 18th. Rachel was having some high blood pressure issues, so they decided to do a C-section and deliver the baby to prevent pre-eclampsia. Rachel was only 35 weeks pregnant, so Elena is pretty tiny. She was 5lbs 0.7oz when she was born, and she has even lost a little weight since birth, so she is even littler. 

On Friday, I drove to Mankato by myself to see Rachel and Elena. Elena is in a level 2 nursery, so nobody under age 12 is allowed inside. So, since the kids can't see Elena anyway, and I knew it was going to be a short trip, I just went by myself. I got to go inside the nursery and hold Elena, and she was just teeny tiny. There is like nothing to her. I am used to hauling Elliott around, so she seemed so little, it was ridiculous. Overall, she is doing pretty well. Her breathing and vital signs are all looking really good, she just needs to start gaining some weight back, or they will have to start an NG tube. She will be in a level 2 nursery for quite a while yet, but at least she's holding her own, and she got to stay in Mankato. 

Mom and Dad also came to see Rachel and Elena, and then we went out to eat at Olive Garden. It was nice to meet Elena, and also to see everyone and have a nice quiet, kidless meal. I spent the night at Rachel's house, and then stopped by the hospital to see everyone one more time, before heading back to Sioux Falls. 

John and the kids spent the day at Jim and Barb's, so I had a nice couple of hours at home to unpack and clean before heading out with some work friends for a birthday celebration. It was a fun evening, but I didn't stay long, I was ready to be home and see my kiddos again. 

Sunday was a busy day. We went to church in the morning, in which Emma sang during church, and then everyone had some good naps when we got back home. We also made our weekly Costco trip, and mowed lawn and cleaned up around the house. 

We also had softball practice last night, it's crazy to think that it's softball season already! We were all pretty rusty, but it got better the longer we were out there. We actually have a double header tonight, which will be fun, but also makes it a late night. 

Elena Julia

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