Sunday, April 9, 2017

Palm Sunday

Apparently, the only time I have to blog anymore is Sunday nights. At least I'm consistent I guess. Another week is over, and here we are on Palm Sunday already.

This past week was kind of a rough one. I started feeling crummy on Tuesday, and really haven't started feeling any better until today. I don't know what I had. Maybe some nasty virus? But it sucked. I toughed it out and went to work all week, but it was a long week, and I felt awful.

Besides my personal turmoil, the week was pretty good. Emma had Kindergarten Roundup on Thursday, and she had an absolute blast. She was so wound up when I picked her up, she had so much to tell me about her day. She was also wore out. She ended up falling asleep at about 5pm, and then woke up really hard. She cried for about 20 minutes when she woke up, mostly because she was so upset that Kindergarten Roundup was over. She pretty much is over this daycare thing, and it ready for school full-time. I don't know that I am ready for her to be in school already. She's growing up too fast!!

Mrs. Knuth said she did a fantastic job and is more than ready for Kindergarten next year, so that was great news to hear. Although, I had no doubt that Emma would be ready for school this fall.

This weekend kept us pretty busy again. On Saturday morning we had Breakfast with the Easter Bunny at Hy-Vee. Emma was pretty jazzed to see the Easter Bunny and gave him plenty of hugs and hi-fives. Elliott didn't really know what to think of him. He liked pointing to him or giving him a hi-five, but he wasn't about to stand by him or touch him in any other way. It was pretty cute. We met up with Emily and Malia at Hy-Vee and had a nice time catching up with them.

Afterwards, we just enjoyed a gorgeous day at home. It ended up being 80 degrees outside, sunny, and not windy for a change, so we spent the rest of the day outside. We washed both cars, got out the patio furniture, played with the kids in the sandbox, and just pretty much ran around outside enjoying the beautiful weather. It was awesome. We had some pretty tired kids by 8:00pm.

Today was also fairly busy. We went to church and Emma sang during the service. Then we did Bible study while Emma had Sunday school. After that, we met up with Jeff and Darci and Ashley and Adam and had some lunch. Then we went to Falls Park to shoot some photos. There is a little backstory to this. The SDSU Alumni had some bricks that you could buy for $1000, and then you could put your name on this brick, and be a part of SDSU history. Since we didn't have $1000 lying around to spend on a brick, we decided to split it 3 ways and share a brick. Apparently, someone at the SDSU Alumni Office thought this was a cool idea, and wanted to do a story about it, and wanted a picture of the 6 of us. So, we then realized we don't really have a nice photo of the 6 of us, thus we met at Falls Park to take one.

It was also a great opportunity to finally get our kids together to play. So, we headed to the playground after photos, and the kids had a blast playing together.

The Easter Bunny made a surprise visit while we were away, and the kids were super excited to look at all the toys the Easter Bunny brought them. It was pretty adorable to watch them tear their Easter Baskets apart. Both kids were very happy with their treasures. Emma had a lot of questions about how the Easter Bunny knows what she likes, and how he got in the house, and where he got all the toys. She's getting too smart for her own good!!

Daycare Activities 

Emma ready for Kindergarten Roundup 

Cute little boy 

Visiting the Easter Bunny 

Emma, Malia, and the Easter Bunny 

The boys and their daughters 

Easter Baskets!!!

Emma finally owns Trolls!!!

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