Sunday, April 2, 2017

Spring Has Sprung!

Whew, another crazy busy week/weekend has flown by! The weather finally turned a little nicer this week, and then this past weekend was absolutely beautiful.

Nothing too crazy happened this past week, we just had our typical week of work and routines, and kids fighting constantly, but overall it was a good week. We went to church on Wednesday evening for Lent, and the kids were very well behaved, and I helped serve Taco Bar. It was a good week.

Friday was pretty low-key. We pretty much just played with the kids at home, got them to bed at a decent time, and then enjoyed a quiet evening at home.

Saturday was a super busy day. We started it off by going to Scheels, and we were the very first people to enter Scheels, which I can honestly say I have never done before. The kids played in the play area for a solid 45 minutes, and then we rode the Ferris Wheel, and walked around the store. The kids loved it, and it was a lot of work trying to get them out of there.

After that, we dropped the boys off for some naps, and Emma and I went to the Library and did some crafts and then picked up the Trolls movie (which both kids are obsessed with and they both know almost all the words to all the songs) but it's a cute movie so I don't mind it too much.

Emma and I also went on a big grocery run, and she was a very good girl on our outing, so she got some popsicles, which she was very excited about. By the time we got home, the boys were up and we spent some time playing outside.

We went out to Jim and Barb's for supper, and checked out the progress on their new house. Basically it's a big hole right now, which made me super nervous with the kids running around all the afternoon. But, luckily, no one fell in the whole, so it was a good day! The kids had a blast like normal, running around, riding bikes, and eating a bunch of junk food.

Today was also a crazy, busy fest. We started off by going to church, and then Emma did Sunday School while the rest of us sat through Bible Study. Once again, the kids were pretty good, it just always feels like a marathon trying to get through a Sunday morning.

After some naps, we went Bowling at Empire Bowl with our church group. Bethel had a bowling outing, and it was pretty fun. It was a crazy, mess with all the little kids and trying to help them bowl, and keep them out of the way, and make them wait their turn, but otherwise it was really fun. I bowled a 117, which wasn't too bad, considering I haven't bowled in at least 6 years, and probably longer. But it was fun. And there was pizza and cake involved, so it was a good time.

After bowling, we decided it was too nice outside to just go home, so we took the kids to Sertoma Park, and they had a blast! We were there for at least an hour, and they were moving the entire time. It was a great ending to a wonderful weekend.

I am so not ready for Monday morning, but I guess it's coming whether I am ready or not, so here's to another week!!

Playing with the large dirt pile from the digging for the new house

Explaining the layout of the house 


Bumper bowling

Snack time 

Loving the tire swing 

Fun at the park


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