Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Happy 4th of July!!

It's been a crazy, hot, holiday-filled weekend over here, and we have had so much fun! On Saturday morning, we got packed up, and we headed out to Yankton to the Lewis and Clark Recreation Area to do some camping. We had a pretty nice deal, we just showed up and our camper was set up and ready to go already, it made it pretty easy for us.

After some unpacking and getting settled in, we ate some lunch. Then, we headed to the beach and did some swimming. That was probably the favorite activity for the kids, they loved the sand and playing in the water with their floaties. We also lucked out and had wonderful weather, so the swimming was great. Best of all, it was within walking distance of our camper, so it was super easy to take off and go swimming. We usually swam at least twice a day, and sometimes even 3 different times. Emma loved it.

We also did a lot of biking since the park has such nice biking paths. Luckily the kids can still both squish into the bike trailer, but I'm not sure what we will do next year. I guess Emma needs to learn how to ride a bike! Elliott loved the bike rides, and usually begged to go biking, John definitely got a workout hauling those kiddos around.

We visited the Aquarium and Fish Hatchery one day, and the kids really liked that. They got to see a bunch of different fish, and even some snapping turtles. They thought it was great!! They also got to feed some fish, which they really liked.

We made a few trips to Yankton for odds and ends, and to eat supper one night, but mostly we just stayed on the campground and found things to do. We stayed three nights, which was kind of a lot with two little kids, but it went pretty well. The first night was terrible, as both kids were too hyper to go to sleep, but the nights got better after that.

Today for the actual 4th of July, we headed to Lennox from the campground for the parade. We were kind of at the end of the route, so we didn't get a lot of candy, but the kids still had a great time. It was super-hot outside though, so it was nice to sit in the shade and enjoy the parade.

After the parade, we headed to the city park for some refreshments, and to let the kids play at the park for a little while. Then, at 1pm there was a kiddie tractor pull that Emma competed in. At first she didn't even want to do it, but after some convincing, she did it, and she did really well. She ended up placing 3rd in her division, and she was so happy to get her very first Trophy. It was adorable, and she worked so hard for it.

After Emma was done, we were all melting in the heat, so we decided it was time to head home. Both kids fell asleep on the way home, and we got the car unloaded while they slept away.

After going to Culver's for supper, we are just enjoying a quiet evening around here. The kids are in their jammies, watching Paw Patrol, and we are hoping they will be in bed shortly. Everyone is pretty beat around here. It was a crazy few days.

Dyllan and Lizz are planning on joining us in our driveway for fireworks later this evening, so that should be fun.

Happy 4th of July!!!

First stop, the beach 

Eli with his friend, Mr. Cheetos 

Emma floating away 

Summer fun!

Water Balloons 

Dipping his toes in the water 

Fell Asleep on the bike ride 

Someone's ready to swim 

Feeding fish 

Train ride

Hanging out with Grandpa 

Happy 4th of July weekend

Bomb Pops 

Elliott being "Superman" 

Ready for the Lennox Parade 

Candy Scavengers 

Emma doing the Tractor Pull 

3rd Place!! :)

Emma really missed Poppy 

Kitty Hugs!

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