Sunday, July 23, 2017

VBS, Swimming Lesson, and Softball...Oh My.

Just like that, it's nearing the end of July! Sorry I have been a little behind on my blogging, but these past couple weeks have literally been a blur of activity.

Two weeks ago, Emma had VBS and swimming lessons all week long. VBS was from 9am to 3pm, and then swimming lessons were from 5-5:25pm. It was a lot of running around and shuffling Emma around. Throw in a busy work week, a couple nights of softball, and it was just plain a crazy week.

Last weekend, we spent most of the day on Saturday at the zoo, which was fun, but really, really hot. We were super sweaty and hot after that. After some naps for everyone, we headed out to Jim and Barb's to hang out with Dennis, Jenny, and Katie and just putz around on the farm. The kids had a blast, and it was nice to visit with everyone. We ate supper at the Bait Shop, and then called it a day and headed back to town.

This past week was another busy one. Emma had another week of swimming lessons. This year, we had to have them at the Midco Aquatic Center, so they were inside. It was fine though. Emma loved it, and she learned a lot this year. They worked with the kids on back floats, front floats, jumping in and going under water with their heads, and starting to work on some front strokes. Emma wore her goggles to every lesson, and loved putting her head under water and "swimming". She passed her lessons with flying colors, and is ready for Level 1 next year.

We also played Softball a couple nights last week, and we went to a Canaries Game with John's work. They booked out the party deck again, and it was a pretty fun night. It was hot again, but there was free food and beer, so that made up for it. The kids came along and they did pretty well. We did some of the bouncy house and walking around, but they were really well behaved, and did well at entertaining the adults. Elliott actually was chosen for the Shoenman's Bat giveaway, so him and I got to stand on top on the dugout and talk with the announcer. She asked Elliott his name, and then into the mic he said "My name is Elliott". It was super cute and I was so proud of him to do that in front of the crowd. The mascot, Cagey, actually gave him the bat, and Elliott was super proud of it. It was adorable.

On Saturday, we had our softball tournament. It was super, super hot, and we didn't play very well. We played three games and lost two, and won one. I also took a line drive to my thigh, and have a super huge, sore bruise. But, it was a fun season, and I look forward to next year, when I hopefully won't have to pitch.

After the games, we went to Tomczacks' for an after-season picnic. It was a fun evening to socialize with the team, and everyone had a good time. The kids had a blast playing with all the other kids. We didn't leave until after 9pm, we had some super tired kiddos.

Today was a catch up day. We did church in the morning, and then Emma and I went on a shopping trip. We went to the mall for crazy days and got some shoes for school, and then on a whim, Emma got her ears pierced today! She did so well. She just sat there, and they did both sides at once, and she didn't flinch or cry or anything. I was so proud of her. She loves her earrings, and hopefully things go well with them!!

So, that's our last couple weeks in a nutshell. I also bought some underwear for Elliott today, so that's out next major task, is to try and get him potty trained. His underwear is super cute, now I just hope he can stop being so stubborn, and actually use the potty. Emma also gave up naps at daycare this past week, so that's another fun adventure over here.

Hope everyone has a good week!!!

Ice Cream truck came to daycare

Ready for swimming lessons


Carousel Rides at the zoo 

Train rides 

Emma passed her swimming lessons 

Grumpy Mornings 

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