Friday, November 3, 2017

Emma in Kindergarten

I decided I just wanted to dedicate a post about Emma being in Kindergarten now and the adjustments we have made in the past couple of months.

First of all, Emma loves school. She is always excited to go, she loves her teacher Mrs. Knuth, and she basically enjoys everything. She tells me that her favorite part of the day is lunch, and she really enjoys after school care. If i pick her up right after school at 3:00, she is basically disappointed at me for showing up too early. I am just happy to know she is enjoying herself at school and getting along well with everyone.

She is also doing very well in school. Her first report card came home the other day, and she got all Ss or S+. We have our first conferences next week, but it sounds like she is doing just fine at school so that is awesome as well.

Mornings are daddy's responsibility since I am out of the house long before anyone else wakes up. From what I hear, they go pretty well, but are a little hectic. Elliott is a morning person, but Emma is not and can be a little ornery in the morning. I try to have lunch packed, clothes picked out, and her backpack ready to go to help improve the morning flow. It seems to help a little bit.

I am really glad there really isn't much for homework for Kindergarteners, because I am not sure where we would fit that into our evenings. We try to do about 10-15 minutes of reading to Emma every evening, and we work on some memory work, but other than that usually we are free of homework, thank goodness.

So, Emma really loves school, and she seems to be constantly learning something new. I love to see her excitement over going to school and being with her friends. That little girl has a bright future ahead of her.

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