Sunday, November 26, 2017

Thanksgiving in Minnesota 2017

Elliott's third birthday ended up being a pretty big hit, except for the 10 minutes we lost him in Lewis Drug, which was pretty panic-inducing. But, everything ended up well, and we enjoyed a quiet birthday at home opening gifts and having a Mickey Mouse Cake. Elliott had a blast, and got some pretty great new toys.

After the festivities, Emma and I headed downtown to the Parade of Lights. Emma absolutely loved it, and called it the "best parade ever" at one point. It was a pretty impressive parade, with some beautiful floats. The Hy-Vee float even threw some candy, which Emma thought was pretty amazing. The weather was great as well, it was about 40 degrees out for the parade, which was very comfortable. I brought a blanket and some hot chocolate and we had a great time.

On Saturday, we pretty much woke up, packed up, and got on the road by 8:00 am so we could make it to my parent's house for Thanksgiving Dinner. We made really good time, with only stop, and we were at my parents' by 11:00am.

We all ate too much food, and then spent the afternoon visiting, playing games, and of course, playing some sheephead. It was really nice to see the extended family and hang out with everyone. It was a very nice holiday. Everyone stayed until about 8:00pm, and by that point both kids were very tired and getting crabby. They both slept like rocks.

Today was a pretty typical Sunday. We went to church, helped decorate Emmanuel for Christmas, and then had a nice dinner at Mom and Dad's. We spent the afternoon giving Ranger rides, watching football, and visiting some more. It was another nice day, with the high around 50 and sunny outside. We have been getting spoiled by the nice weather lately for the end of November, can't complain about that.

We left at around 3:30pm and just got home about an hour ago. Jim and Barb met us here, and had some wreaths for us to hang on our garage, which turned out very nice. We also got a Traeger Grill from them, which was way too much, but they insisted. John is very excited to start playing with that.

It was a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend, but I am kind of feeling like I need a holiday from the holiday. Not looking forward to work tomorrow, but I guess it's time to go back to reality.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

All ready for Christmas at the Nelsons'

Elliott digging into his gifts

Emma got a present too!

Hot Wheels

Mickey Mouse Cake 

Loving the blue frosting 

Ready for Parade of Lights 

Santa came to the parade 

Presents at Grandma Patty's house 

Elliott's Rubble Cake 

Elliott likes his cake 

Elliott and Auntie Rachel 

Hanging out with Little Elena 

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