Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Emma's First Day of Second Grade.

Emma started school last Wednesday. I still find it unbelievable that school has started up again. I think I am still in a little bit of denial about it. Even though I love fall, I'm not ready for summer to be over.

After all the time off I had for the fair, and Rachel's wedding this summer, I did not take Emma's first day of school off from work. So, it was a little bittersweet for me. I made due by getting everything packed up and ready the night before, helping Emma pick out her first day of school outfit, and then just enjoying the first day through the pictures John sent to me.

Emma had a great first day of school She still loves school, and she tells me she likes math, which is a good thing. She also is pretty good at spelling and her writing continues to improve. She also wants to start piano lessons this year, so that will be a new adventure for us!

Emma is full of a lot of emotions these days. She can be a carefree, happy, go-lucky little girl one minute, and then start crying because her legos won't stay together the way she wants them too. She has a hard time controlling her emotions sometimes, and we are continuing to work on talking through things and using our words instead of immediately crying every time something goes wrong.

Overall, Emma is a great 7 year old. She has a wild imagination, she likes to tell stories, she loves to read. She plays really well with her brother, most of the time. She also loves to be helpful. She helps me  make supper some nights, likes to help bake, she helps her brother buckle up or open a package that he can't get. She loves to take my phone and take some snapchat selfies. She is already wondering when she can get her own smartphone. She still loves cats, and now she also like horses, and unicorns. We also are building forts in the living room about every other day, per Emma's request. Legos, crafting, sleepovers, and swimming are also really high on Emma's list of favorites.

Now for the dislikes. Emma does not like to be teased, or laughed at, at all. Sometimes she will be funny without trying to be, and John and I will laugh, and she gets really mad about that. She can be a little sensitive about things like that. She is still a little picky about what she eats for supper, but she is getting better. After a little complaining, she will usually eat everything on her plate, as long as there is a promise of a treat afterwards. Emma is also pretty irritated by her brother quite frequently. They play together really well, but they also fight a lot, and usually it's Emma who instigates the fighting.

I think second grade will be a great year for Emma. I can't wait to watch her reading and writing continue to improve. I am also interested to know how piano lessons are going to go. I love to watch her learn and grow, I'm so proud of my smart, little girl.

Here's to a great school year! (with many lunches to pack).

P.S. Elliott had his first day in a new room (Cheetah room) yesterday, more to come in a future post.

Went to the open house at the main O.R. Kids thought it was cool. 

Then we went to my work, and dressed the kids like me. 

Last day as a Zebra 

Emma's first day of school!

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