Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Rachel's Wedding Reception

This past weekend was a crazy one. We celebrated Rachel and Carlos' Wedding Reception at the shop on Ryan's farm. On Friday night, we headed to Minnesota to help set up for the party. Ryan made us some pizzas on his Traeger Grill. They were awesome! Then we helped shred pork roast, set up tables, and just visited for a while. Emma discovered her love for the 4-wheeler and made me take her on like 3 separate rides Friday night alone. I let Emma drive a couple times, and she thought that was amazing. We went up and down the field roads, and just had a really good time.

Saturday was a long, but really fun day. We started off the day by running a couple errands, and hanging up some signs directing traffic to the party. We also decorated tables, and did some last minute tasks before the party.

I made the kids take an afternoon nap, and then it was time to party. At about 6pm the guests started to arrive. We had pulled pork, beans, chips, pickles, cookies, bars, and cake for supper. There was so much food! And only a little was left afterwards, everyone ate a ton! There was also an entire pallet of beer available for consumption. So, a lot of drinking happened.

I had a really good time visiting with distant relatives, and friends I hadn't seen in a long time. We also had the Albrecht Band playing live music all night, which was really fun. There was also a little dancing going on throughout the night.

During the butterfly dance, I was dancing with dad and Elizabeth, and then all of a sudden Julie was on the ground. Apparently she tripped over the garbage can and fell down, and tore her achilles tendon. Youch! That was a total bummer. She had to head home for the night, and go to the doctor the next morning.

We also played some tippy cup with the cousins which was pretty fun. Everyone had plenty to drink and had a good time. Ryan got really drunk, fell over a few times, and even dented a trombone. It was entertaining to say the least.

The kids did really well throughout the night. They found some friends to play with all night, and they lasted until 1am. They were kind of wrecks the next day, but they had a really fun time. We all had fun, I love a good party.

The next day was pretty much a recovery day for most of us. We cleaned up the shop, had a few more 4-wheeler rides, and then had some BLTs and sweetcorn before hitting the road for home. What a weekend.

Emma starts the second grade tomorrow, which is just completely ridiculous. I'm not sure where the time goes, but it can slow down any time.

Here's hoping Emma has a great first day of school tomorrow!!!

Homemade Pizza


Working so hard 

Dancing with grandpa 

Dad's singing 

Stacking Beer Cans 

Group Photo 

This sums up Elliott's night perfectly 

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