Sunday, December 22, 2019

Christmas Program & A Nelson Christmas

December is just rolling by. It makes me sad to think that Christmas is almost here, and then it will all be over. I love this time of year, and it never seems to last long enough.

We have been keeping very busy lately. Last weekend, mom and dad came to town for the weekend because Emma and Elliott had their Christmas Program at church. Last weekend, we had actually just found out that Grandma Elaine has pancreatic cancer, and that is had spread to her liver. So, she was moved back to Fairfax on hospice care. Mom and Dad were torn about wether to come or not, but in the end they decided to come, and they were happy to have a break from the stress and worrying.

We had a nice weekend together. We spent Saturday together making cookies, playing with the kids, and just catching up. We ate at Outback Steakhouse for supper, which was delicious, and then we drove through Falls Park to see all the Christmas lights.

On Sunday, we went to church, and then we went to Chevys for their brunch. It was so good. I forgot how good their brunch can be. After that we went home to get the kids changed and ready for the Christmas Program. They both looked so cute, and did such a nice job at their program. Elliott had one part to say with the other kids his age, and he had one song to sing, and he did really, really well for the program. I was so proud of him.

Emma also did really well. She had a part she said by herself, and she did a great job. She also knew all her songs, and she sat really nice up there. She also played Away in a Manger before the program, and she hit every note and did great! I was one proud momma.

After the Christmas program my parents hit the road to head home, while we went out to eat with Jim and Barb. It was a great evening, but such a busy weekend!

The week flew by in a hurry between the crazy days at work (we are so short-staffed and so busy right now) and piano lessons, and reading books, and Secret Santa, and helping with lunch at school. Whew, it was busy.

On Saturday, we had Christmas at Jim and Barb's house. It was a really nice Christmas celebration. We started by opening presents, because the kids couldn't contain themselves. After the presents were unwrapped, we sat down to eat supper. We had prime rib, mashed potatoes, and veggies. It was delicious. We also had plenty of snacks and treats throughout the day. We had really nice weather (it was 40 degrees and sunny) so we spent part of the day outside letting the kids play with some of their new toys, and they were pulled behind the Honda in a sled. They had a great day.

At around 1:00pm, I got a call that Grandma Elaine had passed away. It has been a really crazy 6 weeks. I really can't believe that I have lost both grandparents in such a short amount of time. It is pretty special that Grandma gets to be reunited with Grandpa for Christmas. They spent almost 60 years together married on earth, and they only spent about 45 days apart after Grandpa died. It's just crazy. So, along with Christmas next week, we will be having a wake and a funeral. It's been a hard end to 2019, but I am happy that Grandma and Grandpa are in a better place free from any pain and suffering.

We left Jim and Barb's at around 6pm, and headed to the Liebrary for a well-deserved beer. The kids stayed at the farm since they don't have school this next week, so it just made sense for them to stay on the farm until tomorrow night. So, we enjoyed an evening to ourselves without kids.

Today was another kidless day. We spent it cleaning the house, doing some grocery shopping, going to the gym, and just being able to relax and do our own thing. It was a great Sunday.

This next week is going to be really crazy. Between Christmas and a funeral, and a lot of family time and traveling, it's going to be pretty intense. Time to say goodbye to one more grandparent. Fly high Grandma, say hi to Grandpa for me!!

The Christmas Program 

Christmas @ the Nelsons

Stomp Rockets!!

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