Monday, August 24, 2020

Lake Thompson Camping

 This past week has flown by in a hurry. This past Tuesday evening, we had school registration. Elliott is going to be in Kindergarten this year, so we got to bring both kids to orientation this year. Elliott was super excited to show me his desk, and to put all his school supplies away. He is sitting next to Jacob to start the school year, so we will see how that goes. 

Even though she won't admit it, Emma is excited for school as well. She enjoyed seeing all her friends again and getting all her things organized in her desk. I just hope Elliott and her can get along. They will be sharing a classroom for this year, so they will have to learn to tolerate each other. 

Overall, orientation went well. It's crazy to think that school starts in 2 days. Where the heck did the summer go?

On Wednesday evening, we went to Wild Water West. We hadn't had a chance to make it there this summer yet, so this was basically our last chance to go. The kids had an absolute blast. They are finally big enough to go down some of the slides, so it was a lot more fun to bring them. We also did the lazy river, wave pool. bumper boats, lily pads, and mini golf. We squeezed a lot of fun into the three hours we were there. We grabbed some supper on the way home and then put some really tired kids to bed. 

This past weekend, we went camping at Lake Thompson, which is by DeSmet, SD. It was a really nice campground, but the lake was really scummy and gross. The kids did a little swimming the first evening, and after that we avoided the water. 

It was super hot this past weekend. Like so hot and humid it was just miserable to be outside. So, it made camping interesting. We spent a lot of time in the shade, and some in the air conditioned campers. 

Saturday morning, John, Jim, Elliott and I went out fishing. We fished for about 2.5 hours. We caught a few fish, but nothing crazy. Elliott actually did surprisingly well in the boat. He kept himself pretty entertained for most of the time. However, he got a little antsy toward the end when it was getting really hot and buggy. And I didn't blame him, I was ready to be done by then as well. 

In the afternoon, we took a trip into DeSmet to eat lunch at DQ and then check out the Laura Ingalls Wilder museum. We walked the grounds a little, but we missed the tours, so we will have to go back and do that another day. 

We didn't have any fires, or spend much of the evenings outside. It was way too hot and buggy. We made the best of our trip, but it would have been much more enjoyable if the weather could have cooperated. 

The kids stayed out at Grandma and Grandpas last night and then tonight. We had their last day of summer care and daycare be one Friday. So, they get to spend Monday and Tuesday with Grandma and Grandpa. I'm sure they are all having a blast. 

I actually ended up with today off from work. So, I spent the day cleaning out my closet, vacuuming, and just organizing the house before the craziness of school begins. I also went to the gym, and did some grocery shopping and a library trip. It has been a successful day!!

Tomorrow, it's back to reality, and then the kids come back home so we can take them to school Wednesday morning. It's going to be so crazy to bring both kids to school every day. I'm so excited for them!

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