Monday, August 17, 2020

Newton Hills Camping

 This past weekend we camped at Newton Hills. I forgot how much I like Newton Hills. The kids had a blast, and the weather was beautiful. We pulled in Friday evening, ate a nice BBQ supper, and then Jim and Barb took the kids to one of their friend's houses who have a lot of pets. The kids got to see horses, miniature horses, baby goats, a donkey, a potbelly pig, kitties, and dogs. They loved every second of it, and I don't think either kid wanted to leave when it was time to go. The Tomczak kids were also camping there with some family friends, so the kids got to play with them after they got back. There were lots of happy kiddos. 

On Saturday, we kind of had a crazy running around day. John took Elliott to a daycare friend's birthday party, which had an inflatable and it sounds like Elliott had a ton of fun. To make things fair for Emma, Jim, Barb, and I took her to Inwood to swim at the new pool there. She begged me to swim with her, so we swam in their nice pool for a couple of hours. It was a pretty fun afternoon. 

Once everyone was back at the campground, we played some games, and then made some foil packs for supper. We had shrimp boil packs, which were amazing. After supper, the kids found some friends at the playground and spent the evening with them, while us adults had a fire and relaxed. The weather was a perfect 82 degrees and sunny during the day, and then just a little cool in the evenings. It was perfect. 

Sunday was another beautiful day. The kids rushed over to the playground to play with their new friends again, while we all enjoyed a peaceful morning. We ate some delicious beef stew for lunch, and then we worked on getting packed up and pulled out. 

There was no rest for us though, and once we were pulled out, we got home, unpacked, and then headed to Bethel for the annual Bethel bike ride. It was a hot afternoon for biking, but everyone had a great time. John stayed at the school and helped set up for the picnic after the bike ride, I rode with Elliott, and Emma went with Mrs. Tomczak and Rachel. Elliott did really well with the long bike ride, but we turned around at 5 miles, which was good, since he got really tired by the time we got back to the church. Emma did the entire 10 miles, and did really well. She was a champ. I was super proud of her. 

After the bike ride, we had a picnic and games at the church. The kids had a water balloon toss, frisbee golf, and of course the playground to play on. The adults had a bean bag tournament. Jen and I were on a team and came in second to Pastor and Kristen. It was a hot, sweaty, fun afternoon. But, man were we all shot after the busy, busy weekend. 

This week continues to be busy. We have school registration/orientation tomorrow night, planning on Wild Water West Wednesday night, and then we are camping again next weekend at Lake Thompson. Oh, and working all week too. I'm not sure why we do this to ourselves, but we know how to keep busy!

Here's to another great week!

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