Monday, November 23, 2020

Elliott's Pokemon Birthday Party

 This past weekend was pretty exciting, we had Elliott's birthday party with his friends. We have been counting down the days for a few weeks now, so both kids were pretty excited when the day finally came to celebrate. 

Elliott was up at 6:30 am, wondering if it was time to go decorate for the party yet. He was pretty disappointed when I told him it would be a few hours before we would have to leave. 

We had his party at Bethel School in the gym, which was the best idea ever. The mess, and the noise was all there, and the kids all had a place to run around. We ended up inviting Elliott's entire classroom, and we had 15 kids show up. So, we had a pretty good party. 

We got to the school around 10:00 to set up. The kids helped us decorate, set up tables, and hide Pokeballs. They loved every second. 

The other kids started showing up around 11:00, and we go the party started. We started the kids off with coloring Pokemon characters and just running around the playing until all the kids showed up. The first game we played was where the kids had to find hidden Pokeballs, and then whoever found the most won. Hannah T found 6 and was crowned the winner. All the kids really enjoyed that activity. 

We threw some pizzas in the oven and had some lunch. And then it was on to Pokemon Charades (which was a pretty big hit) and then we had a Pokeball Punch activity where the kids could punch a part of the ball and then they got to keep the Pokemon figures that were inside. That lead to a lot of trading and playing going on. This was all followed by cake and ice cream. 

The last hour consisted of opening presents, and just letting the kids play. It got really loud in the gym, and there were some tears, and John and I were just ready for the party to be over at this point. But overall, it was a great party and all the kids had a really good time. Elliott had such a fun time, and it felt great to be able to give him such a great party. 

We were pretty much shot after all the festivities. We cleaned up, and then headed home to relax for the rest of the evening. We made it a movie night and watched Home Alone 3. And also let Elliott open up some gifts and play with them. He got a dinosaur smash egg, a ton of Pokemon cards, and some other odds and ends. He was definitely treated well by his friends. 

Yesterday was a pretty quiet day. We went to church and the kids sang in both services. After that, we were pretty much content to stay at home. We finished putting up Christmas decorations and watched some football. It was really a nice day. And the kids were content to play with new toys and just relax and be at home. 

Today, I got mandated off of work, which was a surprise. So, I've had a nice day of dropping of the kids at school, going to the gym, catching up on some blogging and TV, and cleaning the house. I haven't had a week day at home without the kids for a while, so it's been kind of nice to be able to catch up on things. And it's Thanksgiving week, so I'm only working tomorrow and Wednesday, and then I am off for the holiday. So, not a real stressful week at all!

Thanksgiving is going to be kind of weird this year. We are going to Minnesota on Thanksgiving, and just hanging out with mom and dad and Ryan. Rachel and Carlos are skipping it because of the virus, and no extended family because of the virus. I really am tired of this pandemic. 

On the Covid-19 front, things are still pretty bad right now. The numbers are still atrocious, the hospitalization rates are out of control, and many people are dying everyday. The CDC is recommending that people stay home for the holidays, which they probably won't do. We are still going to mom and dad's house, but only if we are all feeling well, and it will be a gathering of less than 10 people which makes me feel that the risk is pretty low. And we haven't seen them for like 5 weeks, so I do believe that we still have to live our lives a little. 

Barb tested positive for the virus last week, so we are waiting another week before having Thanksgiving at their house just to be extra safe. So, just another thing to make the holidays different. There is some news on vaccines, and they hope to be giving them to healthcare providers and high risk people by the middle of December. So, there is hope and light at the end of the tunnel, but it will be a while until everyone can get the vaccine. 

However, we still have a lot to be thankful for, especially during this Thanksgiving week. So, I look forward to a couple days of work, and then some extended family time. I really do love the holidays, even when they are disrupted by a global pandemic. 

Our Christmas Tree 2020 

The Birthday Boy 

The Birthday Party Crew 

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