Sunday, November 15, 2020

Trying to get back to normal

 We survived our two weeks of our children being in quarantine. All in all, it went pretty well. But, I really hope we can stay in school for a while now. 

Covid-19 is a disaster right now. We are averaging about 1200 new cases a day, the hospitals are packed full of Covid patients, and yesterday was had 53 people die. It's pretty bad, and it doesn't show any signs of slowing down any time soon. So, we keep trudging on. 

The kids are going back to school tomorrow, which is amazing. Our plan is to send the kids with masks and encourage them to wear them. Hopefully the kids can wear their masks at least most of the day. We are trying to keep everyone healthy and in school. We also have one service at church right now that requires masks. So, things are slowing becoming a little more strict. But, as far as the state of South Dakota, there is no mask mandate or other regulations in place. Our governor is taking a really "hands-off" approach which is starting to get old. South Dakota actually has the worst numbers in the nation per capita, so we sure have a lot of be proud of here. 

The holiday season is coming up, and they are not going to be normal holidays at all. We are being strongly encouraged not to celebrate Thanksgiving outside of our home and to not travel. These are such weird times we are living in. 

The kids are adapting pretty well. Elliott complains about the mask sometimes, but we make the kids wear them basically everywhere we go, and they do. They do ask about going on trips, or to hotels, and then we have to remind them that the virus is really bad right now, and there's not much we can do besides work and school. Thank goodness they have some good neighbor friends that they can play with. 

I'm still working in the Main OR. I don't think there are any plans to open the ASC until at least the first of the year. I miss my workplace and normal work so much. The main is getting better since I know where most everything is now, but it's still not all my coworkers and my normal environment. I crave normal so much!!

Next weekend is Elliott's birthday party. So, we are working hard on getting all the prep done for that. He is super excited for his Pokemon birthday party, I hope a lot of his friends can come and help him celebrate. Other than that, we have a pretty quiet week ahead. Basically just work, and getting back into the routine of school and homework. I think the kids are pretty excited to go back to school. 

We also had the election a couple weeks ago. It took them forever to count all the mail-in ballots, but finally last Saturday they announced Joe Biden as the winner. What a disaster. I'm happy to see Biden win, but we still have a lot of work to do to get this country back into shape. And Trump is still causing problems and basically refusing to acknowledge that he lost. Things might still get pretty interesting over the next few weeks. 

Hopefully we can see some decrease in Covid numbers over the next week. Or, we really need a reliable vaccine that can be widely distributed. 

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