Monday, November 2, 2020

Quarantine Day 1

 We survived our first official day of quarantine. We actually had a really nice day, and I hope the rest of the week goes the same way. 

First of all, the weather was amazing. It was 65 degrees today, sunny, no wind, and just perfect. The kids were up early (thanks Daylight Savings Time) and we were up and running. After breakfast, we started on homework right at 7:30 am. Emma actually did really well with her homework, and was really agreeable to working on her assignments and getting things done. I also had Elliott doing some worksheets. He did pretty well with his worksheets, but he got tired of them pretty quickly and then he played in the other room while Emma and I worked. 

We did homework until about 9:30 am, and then we took our first recess break. It actually was really nice outside already at 9am, and we enjoyed playing kickball, bocce ball, and just running around the yard. After recess, Emma and I finished up homework, and then we packed some lunches for a picnic lunch. The kids were so excited to have a picnic lunch! We packed up the bikes and headed out. 

We hit up the bike trail and biked to Sertoma Park. The weather was absolutely gorgeous and everyone enjoyed themselves. At the park, we ate lunch, and then the kids played for a solid 2.5 hours. They found some friends to play with, and just enjoyed being outside and at a park. We also went to the Outdoor Campus and spent some time outside there. After all that, we biked back to the truck, and then hit up Cherry Berry for some treats. 

It was a pretty amazing afternoon. We read some books when we got home, and then the kids enjoyed some free play for the evening. Again, it was nice just to be outside and enjoy the weather. 

After supper, the kids enjoyed some Ipad quiet time, and now they are getting ready for bed. It was a great day to kick off a week of quarantine at home, and I'm looking forward to the rest of the week, The weather is supposed to be around 70 degrees all week. Not a bad week to be stuck at home with the kids. 

Here are some pictures of our wonderful day!

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