Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Lake Herman 2021

 Here I am, behind on blogging yet again this summer. Two weekends ago, we had another camping weekend at Lake Herman. We went there last year, and really fell in love with the campground. This year, we went on the weekend where they celebrate Halloween in June. I forgot all the decorations and costumes, which was a major bummer, but we made the best of it and the kids had a lot of fun trick or treating. We also made many homemade Halloween decorations and ended up with a nicely decorated campsite. 

But, let's backtrack. We headed up to the lake on Friday after work. John had brought the camper up on Thursday night, so it was already set up and ready to go. While John brought the camper down, the kids and I spent the evening at Falls Park which was really fun. It was a gorgeous evening, and the kids had fun climbing on rocks, playing at the park, and just exploring. 

Anyway, Friday evening consisted of settling in, a nice supper and fire, and then they showed the movie, Hotel Transylvania on a projector at the Ampitheatre. The kids loved it. Saturday was a pretty rainy day for the first part of the day. It was like too rainy and chilly to do much of anything, so we headed to Prairie Village, which is similar to the 1880s town. There were a lot of buildings to explore, a train to ride, and a gift shop that the kids begged to get some items. Overall, it was a really fun couple of hours, and a nice way to spend some time while it was kind of rainy. 

When we got back to the campsite, we went on a bike ride with the kids, and then it was time for Halloween Trivia. We were the only people to show up for the trivia, so Emma and I teamed up against John and Elliott. Emma and I ended up winning, but we were just given the total prize pack at the end which had T-shirts, coozies, bandanas, stickers, coasters, animals cards, and a few other things. We have really scored some good State Park gear this year. 

When the trivia was over, we finished decorating our campsite, ate some supper, and then handed out candy and did some trick or treating. It was pretty fun to experience Halloween in some nicer weather. The kids had a blast, and we have already discussed going back again next year around the same time so we can do it again, but next time with costumes and decorations. 

Sunday was a hot day. We did some bike riding and hiking, and then packed up and went home. We ended up at Jim and Barb's house for a while so the kids could spend time with their bunnies and we cleaned up the camper pretty well before putting it away because it will be August before we use the camper again. Finally, we headed for home, unpacked and did laundry, and called it a weekend. 

Emma's softball team has been doing pretty well lately. Emma keeps improving every week, which is really fun to watch. Her batting and fielding has gotten a lot better, and she is just having a really good time playing on her team. They started tournament play last Wednesday and won both games, so tomorrow she plays two more games. I am so excited to cheer her on!

We continue to be really busy this summer. We are having such a fun summer, but we are SO BUSY! July should be a little better because we have a little less camping, but we still have a lot of things planned. I do like to stay busy though, but my poor house suffers a little for it. 

Falls park 


Rainy camping days 

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