Tuesday, July 6, 2021

St. Paul Saints

 We finally decided to go to a St. Paul Saints game, and it was amazing. John had a client meeting in St. Paul and asked if I could get time off and we could go to a Saints game. I miraculously got the time off on short notice, so on Tuesday afternoon we headed to St. Paul. We ate lunch at a really old diner in Luverne, which was actually pretty good. And then we just headed for St. Paul. It was a long, boring drive, but it was a good drive. I drove, John navigated. 

We got to St. Paul early enough that we could check into our hotel first. We stayed at the St. Paul hotel, and we were offered the chance to upgrade to the Ambassador Suite for only $59 more than what er were already paying. So, we went for it. It was an amazing room. It was a corner room, had a great view of the Mississippi River, had a living room/wet bar area, a beautiful king bed, and just a lot of room. The shower also had two shower heads that could run at the same time, it was a really fun experience. 

We walked the 8 blocks to the Saints Stadium. We were a little early, so we did some shopping in the pro shop. We bought some T-shirts and John got a hat. We had front row seats down the third base line, and it was a perfect evening for baseball. I mean perfect. We grabbed some supper, a burrito bowl and philly cheesesteak nachos, which were really good. We watched a couple innings, visited the craft beer corner for some delicious beers, and then had fun wandering around the stadium during the game. I think I had more fun at the Saints game than at the Twins games I have been too. Don't get me wrong, I love a good Twins games, but this game just had a different feel and atmosphere. And it was much cheaper. 

We visited the beer corner again, and then went back and watched from our seats for while. We got to see 7 Saints home runs, and they won by quite a bit. We left in the bottom of the 8th inning and walked back to the hotel. It was a beautiful evening, and it was only a slightly sketchy walk back to our hotel. Once we made it back, we relaxed for a little while and then called it a night. 

On Wednesday morning, we grabbed coffee and then I dropped John off at the dealership for his meeting and lunch. I had 4 hours to kill on my own. I went to a couple of lakes in the area that had nice hiking trails, I shopped a little, and then I hit up the mall just to walk around and kill some time. We headed home around 2pm, and made it back to Sioux Falls a little after 6pm, and then headed to the softball fields to watch Emma. Whew, it was a quick 2 days with a lot of driving, but it was a really fun trip. 

We definitely will be going to another Saints game in the future, we had a great experience. And, they are more fun to watch this year than the Twins. 

St. Paul Hotel 

CHS Field 

Double decker carousel 

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