Sunday, July 25, 2021

The Black Hills

 We took a summer trip to the Black Hills last week. Jim and Barb pulled their camper, and we just took our pickup truck and drove across the state to the Black Hills. We had a really good, busy trip. The kids actually didn't remember much about our trip 2 years ago, so it was fun to experience a lot of firsts with them in the hills. 

We left home on Wednesday morning. We made our first stop in Chamberlain, and ate at a new Mexican Restaurant in town. The food was really good, it was a nice break, and then we hit the road again. The next stop was Wall Drug. We stopped, walked the shops a little, saw the Dinosaur, walked through the splash pad, and took the obligatory photos. It was a fun stop, but we didn't stay too long, we were excited to keep moving and get to the KOA at Palmer Gulch. 

We got to the KOA around 3:00pm Mountain Time. We checked into the Lodge at the KOA, unpacked the truck, settled in a little, and then we went to find Jim and Barb at their campsite. We ate BBQs, chips, salad at the camper, and then we got ready to head to Mount Rushmore. 

The kids remembered Mount Rushmore from a couple years ago, but they were still pretty impressed by it. We got there early enough that we hiked the President's Trail around Mount Rushmore. It was a pretty, simple hike and everyone really enjoyed it. After the hike, the kids completed the Jr. Ranger Program again and each got a Jr. Ranger Badge. Then, we stayed for the lighting ceremony. I forgot how well of a job they do with the lighting ceremony, it even got me a little misty-eyed. It was an impressive program, and we didn't get out of there until after 10:00pm. So, after one heck of a long day, we all headed to bed. Elliott stayed in the hotel with us, and Emma in the camper. 

On Thursday, we had breakfast and then headed to Reptile Gardens. I had not been to Reptile Gardens since I was a child. It was a really fun experience. Elliott is into snakes right now, so he really enjoyed the snake show we attended and Emma and him got to pet a snake. It was the talk of the day! We also walked around their beautiful grounds and saw lot of flowers and other animals. There were a lot of snakes we got to see, as well as prairie dogs, eagles, crocodiles, and some iguanas and bearded dragons. We spent a solid 2.5 hours at Reptile Gardens, and then it was starting to get pretty packed and warm, so we headed out. 

We had packed a picnic, so we found a picnic area and had lunch. After lunch, we headed back to the KOA to let the kids swim, go down the waterslide, play pingpong, and play mini golf. We really enjoyed an afternoon of just hanging out at the KOA and relaxing a little. In the evening, we watched some live music and then ate fajitas at the camper. 

On Friday, we headed to Wind Cave. The kids had never seen a cave before, so the 4 of us did a cave tour, while Jim and Barb went off and did their own thing. Wine Cave was crazy busy, but we just got in for a tour at 11:00. Elliott and Emma were a little scared at the beginning of the cave tour, but after they got used to it, they loved it. It wasn't my favorite cave tour ever, but it was nice, and it's always fun to explore a cave. After the tour, we ate a picnic lunch again, and then headed for Custer State Park.  We did the Wildlife Loop. We found the Buffalo and the donkeys. The kids had a blast feeding the donkeys carrots. It was hot out there, but the kids fed the donkey two pounds of carrots and loved every second. We also found the Buffalo right along the side of the road so we got some nice closeups. Emma took some nice shots with John's camera for 4-H, and it was a great visit to Custer State Park. 

We were a little squished in the one vehicle, so after all the winding roads and hot weather, we were ready to head back to the KOA after the Wildlife Loop. We let the kids cool off in the pool for while, and then we watched another live music performance. This group was a Christian girl group, and Emma loved them. She was dancing along to them the whole time, and after the show she got a picture with them, and their autographs. She was eating it up. We had spaghetti for supper (Emma's request) and then finished the night with a campfire. It was a busy, fun day and we called it a night. 

On Saturday, Jim and Barb took the kids to Bear Country and Rapid City while John and I hiked to the top of Black Elk Peak. It took us about 90 minutes to get the top, and it was a tough hike. But, it was so beautiful. We had beautiful scenery along the way, and then the top was breathtaking. But we got started at 9:00 am, so by the time we were at the top it was starting to get pretty warm. So, we sweated ourselves back down the trail for another 90 minutes. And the way down wasn't any easier than the way up. It was a very rewarding hike, but we were hurting by the end of it. And the amount of people around were crazy. So we got the heck out of there, and we headed to Custer for lunch. We ate at a bar and grill, had a well deserved beer, and then headed back to the KOA. 

We took the kids into Keystone to minigolf and then go to the President's Wax Museum. We got to go to these places for free because we were staying at the KOA. The minigolf was pretty fun, and the kids even enjoyed the wax museum which really surprised me. We finished up the evening with tacos from the tent at the KOA, and then we relaxed in the room with Ipads for the kids, and beers on the deck for the parents. 

Sunday was our day to come home. We packed up, said goodbye to Jim and Barb and then started the journey home. We stopped at the Badlands on the way home. We hiked one trail that had a log ladder, and the kids had a ton of fun hiking around there. However, it was really hot out there. So, after our hike, we ate a picnic lunch, and then drove through a little more of the Badlands before heading back to the interstate to head home. 

The drive home felt long. We didn't make a single stop from the Badlands to home. The kids watched Ipad, read, and then slept. We got home around 6:00pm. We threw some supper together, did a little laundry, unpacked, and then called it a night. It felt so good to be in our own beds again. 

We had a really, really good trip. It was rather hot, and crowded with lots of people, but overall our trip was awesome. We made some great memories, and we really can't wait to go back again. Next time, we are going to go to the Badlands when the weather is a littler cooler, and we may head to the Spearfish area on our next visit. 

Ready for vacation 

Picnic in the hills 

Top of Black Elk Peak 

The Badlands 

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