Wednesday, September 21, 2022

September Days

 September continues to fly by. We have been staying busy with school, piano lessons, and cross country. School is going okay. Both kids really need to be encouraged to do their best work every day, and I spend a lot of time after school going through their homework with them and making sure everything gets completed. I'm looking forward to the day when they can be a little more independent with their homework. We also have 20 minutes reading sessions every night, and a lot of memory work homework, so we stay really busy in the evenings. 

Cross country has been going well. Neither kid especially likes cross country, but they both do pretty well in it. Emma actually shaved a minute off her mile time last week, and ran a 9:34 mile, which I was really proud of. She's got long legs, and can really run pretty well if she tries. Elliott just goofs off the whole time, and probably runs at about 50% effort. He does okay, but he definitely does not run his fastest. We have one more run today, and then another season of cross country is over. 

Our weekends have been pretty free since Labor Day, so that has been a nice change. We have caught up with things around the house, went to some parks, and just enjoyed being around home. This past weekend, Emma had a sleepover birthday party, and then a neighborhood girl had a birthday party that both kids attended. While they were at the birthday party, John and I went kitchen table shopping. We have disliked our table for quite a while, and the chairs are all shot and are peeling and falling apart, so it was definitely time. We went to HOM furniture and we found an amish table and chair that we really liked, so we went for it. It won't arrive until January, but we are very excited for it to get here!

We also finally made it to an Augustana Volleyball game to watch Avery play. She is a senior this year, and we finally went to a game. They ended up losing 3-1, but it was really fun to watch. Emma and I both got free t-shirts thrown to us, and then the kids got to race each other in between games and they won a $20 scooters gift card. We pretty much came out ahead after going to the game. It was really fun 

This weekend, we are going camping for the last time this season. We are going camping with Jim and Barb at Big Sioux Rec, which is in Brandon. It's really nice we don't have to travel very far, and it should be a really nice fall camping weekend. It's supposed to be in the low 70s for highs and then down to the 50s for lows. It should be perfect camping weather. I am excited for one more weekend, but then I'm ready to hang it up for the year. I love camping, but it is a lot of work. 

Not too much else is going on right now. Picture day is next week, so that will be fun, I always love getting those pictures back. Otherwise, it's just surviving homework, and work, and Vikings football games. 

Oh, and it's starting to finally feel like fall, and the fall decorations are up! Yay! I love this season!

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